Monday, August 11, 2014

Adrien: A Cry For (Hair) Help.

So, I haven't done a State of My Hair post in a while, but that's because it's pretty much grown out. By that I mean the shorter bits on the "long" side have finally caught up, though the ends are looking a bit frizzled. My hair doesn't really do long so I think it's just a matter of figuring out where to go from here.


Next week I'm getting a much-needed cut (and color refresh) and I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do. Right now it's just a tiny bit longer than shoulder-length which is a super-annoying length, so I was thinking about getting enough taken off so it's barely above my shoulders, something like this:

 BUT, then I saw this:

more photos of the cut here.

OR, I could go a tiny bit shorter and do a Carey Mulligan bob:

HMMM. (Just so you guys know, I collect haircut photos like it's some kind of pathetisad hobby.)

Both of these cuts will require me to grow out my bangs which I'm okay with. They're pretty long right now anyway. One thing I won't be doing is going super-short again, at least not right now. I love having really short hair but it requires cutting every 6 weeks and I just can't afford that kind of maintenance. So, long bob or short bob?

And now, this is where I beg and plead for short, straight hair product recommendations. I've been using this Aveda stuff:


I like the way it smells and it gives decent light hold, but it also makes my hair really tangly, which is annoying. I also need some kind of thermal protectant spray or balm because my ends are getting SUPER SAD. I've had good luck with Bumble and bumble Straight Blow Dry (which isn't really a protectant, like, at all), but I've run out and I'm hoping there's something cheaper and more effective out there. I will say, I'm still getting excellent results from the crazy cheap L'Oreal Total Repair 5 Balm but it's too heavy to use every day.

SO, if you have fine, straight hair, what styling products do you love? I am out of ideas.


  1. I think you should get the short bob! After will eventually grow into the long bob, so you get both!

  2. I love the Klum cut, but I find it soooo much work. I can never get it to look like that when I'm styling it myself. I mean, when the comparison photo is Heidi Klum, it's hard to feel good about anything you're able to muster, but ... ahem, where am I going with this? Oh yeah. I'd pick the short bob, because I think it's the easiest to style. Plus it looks adorable.

  3. Oh I love the Kristen Wiig one for you! So sassy.

  4. Totally agree with AdinaJ about the Heidi Klum cut. It looks so effortless and easy, but it's really not. Meticulous blow drying is required, otherwise the bottom layer flips out. It also looks like the standard mom-cut bob unless it's flat ironed, which I don't always have time to do.

    As far as styling products go, I've had good luck with Paul Mitchell Super Skinny serum, especially during the humid months. I just started using Redken's flat iron protector; I think it's too soon to tell whether it's saving my ends.

    1. I'm dealing with some of that now! The bottom layer of my hair flips out in the back and makes me crazy.

      Thanks for the product rec!

  5. Oh man, I feel your pain. If you go back and look through my old outfit photos you can see my horrible grow-out process. The trick is to find someone who can tweak it subtly along the way.

    Thanks for the product rec! I'll check it out.

  6. It's discontinued, but I have been using this stuff: for like 5 years and I keep finding it and buying it online/on eBay because it is amazing on my superfine hair.

  7. I know you're sick of me saying this but shorter hair suits you far better. Go the Kristen Wiig. You're wry and funny - you don't need blaaaaah mid-length hair.

  8. I say go for the Kristen Wiig style! So cute / fun!

    I also have fine, straight hair and typically have a money-is-no-object approach if I find products that work! Ironically I use three products now and two are drugstore finds... Go figure.

    Matrix Biolage Full-Lift Spray In Volumizer, Garnier Pure Clean Finishing Paste, and Pantene hairspray.

  9. Micaela--your hair twin in NashvilleAugust 16, 2014 at 8:10 AM

    Agree with everyone that short hair totally makes your great face features go "pop"! and for some reason makes you (but not everyone) look more feminine and girly. But ...I also know it costs a lot of money to keep it short--it's a tradeoff of clothes vs. haircuts, basically. Products I'm loving--not much have tried them all. I am getting good volume putting Biomega Text Me in wet hair and then blow drying. It only takes a tiny amount. Using it on dry hair is too sticky, but wet hair dissolves it and leaves a fuller hair shaft (that's all lies, of course).!228124


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