Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Adrien: Old Magic.

My summer wish list included my hope of finding a new Magic Dress for summer. That never happened, unfortunately, and now I'm thinking it's too late to bother. I still have this one which I bought a few years ago. It's Merona and I always forget that Target has a bunch of cute online dress options.

I love a simple navy dress because it's such a good color with all my neutral things. A skinny leopard belt (leopard is a neutral!), my metallic MBMJ Teri, and Sam Edelman Trina sandals, all accounted for. I do kind of wish I had a fun print cardigan to wear with it or maybe something like this?

My stuffs: House of Harlow necklace, Giles & Brother bracelet, leopard belt from who knows where. Target, most likely. 

And the bottom half! I've really liked my Trina sandals this summer. The gold heel (which you can't see in the photos, derp) is what really makes it.

feet n stuff.


  1. I actually went to Target yesterday to get that same belt. Sadly, I pulled in and backed out again. My craving for the damned Target popcorn was too strong to resist. So, I just left without even going inside the store so that I didn't gorge on the popcorn. **sigh** Maybe I'll try for the belt again today.

  2. The navy looks amazing on you. Seriously, I hate you a little bit right now. So pwetty!

  3. I've had bad luck with Target clothes but this makes me want to try again!


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