Tuesday, March 24, 2015


source: The Sartorialist

A: Really. REALLY?

L: I assume these are the back legs of a horse, yes?

A: Definitely hoofy.

L: OK, I'm going to have sympathy for a moment: I never get things hemmed because I'm lazy but also SHORT.

A: Do you let your pants drag on the ground all up under your shoes? Because this is an epidemic:

source: Trendy Crew

source: The Sartorialist

L: Sadly, I can't say I don't do that (more with maxi dresses than with pants). But I can promise you I am not making a statement by doing so.

A: I am abnormally concerned about the filthy hems of fashion people. I DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT YOU TOO.

L: I should probably also tell you that I don't launder my clothes as often as I should. Not even the floor draggy ones. And the New York City streets? Who knows what happens on them.

A: I am very, very bad about dry cleaning things, it's okay. I just can't stand the long-pants hoof. AND, it's distracting me from this disturbing trend:

source: Trendy Crew

L: Is that a.... sports bra.... under there?

A: I didn't even notice, all I see is her gigantic shoes.

L: No doubt going for that timeless, pre-spring 2015 look.

A: I'm already looking at Fall 2016. Pre-Spring 2015 is sooooo Fall 2013.

L: Ain't that the truth.


  1. She put her feet on the wrong way. Which....is only scratching the surface here.

  2. <-- hemmer of pants for sure.

    Monica, www.pear-shaped-gal.com

  3. These trousers... these shoes.... My eyes hurt!! I sort of understand a fascination of a certain sartorial guru with too long trousers - after all it will be such a change for him to shop outside kids's section AND not talking Camilla into hemming the cuffs. But otherwise, I have no comprehension at all for this hideous and sanitary-risky trend.


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