Monday, April 6, 2015

Goops Wants To Know:

A: What's your budget for a spring jacket?

L: $0? Is that appropriate? Spring is a season that either gets a leftover winter coat or a sweater. Am I a child?

A: According to Gwyneth it's eleventy million dollars.

L: HA! [hold on, laughing so much] OK. Phewwwww. I mean, at least she threw in a Zara and a UniQlo for The Poors.

A: Super thoughtful of her. I'll bet she wears that $6,500 The Row coat to walk the dog.

L: That one is soooooooo Gwynnie.

A: She's probably using it to mop up a spill in the kitchen.

L: But is it organic, though? I don't think she could use non-organic.

A: Organic AND locally-sourced.

L: Totally. She'd never be an irresponsible consumer.

A: I mean, I know I'm not dropping $2,300 on a lace bomber jacket unless it's sustainable and gluten-free.

L: Who would?

A: Kim Kardashian might.



  1. Perhaps a sweater coat is the best option? Something like (ahem) this?

  2. You guys, if Garance D. spends €550 on a pair of jeans, why can't Gwyneth P. have a €5,000 coat for taking the trash out? Dammit, it's not like she's allowed to wear mink or sable furs.

    1. When you put it that way, it's almost like she's saving money!

    2. Clearly she's on a budget!


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