Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Boden Reviews: Janie Dress, Alice Dress, Ravello Top, Gwyneth Blouse.

Hey, remember that convo post where I told Marianne I had a million dollars worth of Boden in my cart? Kinda wasn't kidding. I panic-ordered a bunch of stuff (with a code! And eBates!) and when it came I tried it on and took pictures because that is how I do.

The main thing I'm looking for this fall: easy tops with fun prints and washable dresses I can wear sandals-to-boots. So, here's what I got:

Ravello top

This is the Ravello top in the red waves print which seems to be sold out, but they have it in a ton of other prints (some on sale) and also offer a long version of it.

I liked how simple this top is - silk blend, washable, easy to tuck in or leave out all baggy if you're lazy like me. It's a bit of a square cut but the neckline has some cute pleating and it's just the kind of thing I know I'll wear a ton. Verdict: I am keeping this one.

This is the Alice Ponte dress and I had such high hopes for it:

I'm wearing the navy colorway but it also comes in a cute colorblock print and there's also a skirt. I like almost everything about this dress - it's really well made, the skirt is lined, it's washable, it's easy to accessorize. However, the sleeves were really tight on my non-puny arms and also hit at the weirdest spot, just slightly below my elbow which is really uncomfortable. A nice dress, just not a good fit for me. Verdict: It's getting returned.

This is the Janie Dress which I also has high hopes for:

Janie Dress

It seems like exactly my brand of easy casual with interesting zipper details and it comes in three different striped versions! Seriously, it seems like it was made for me. But, I don't know. I look at the photos and it seems a little...dowdy on me? I don't know if it's too young a style or if the neckline is too high or what. I also tried it on with boots for science:

I like it, I'm just not sure it works on me. I will say that it's nicely made, fits true to size, and I appreciate that the pockets don't ruin the line of the skirt. Also, washable! Verdict: Undecided.

This is the Gwyneth Blouse and I love the print and colors but it's just too damn big on me:

I'm totally Gwyneth now.

I ordered the size 6 and was swimming in it. Plus, I'm not really sure it's doing much for me and rolling the sleeves up all casual-like didn't work because the fabric is lighter on the inside and it looks a little odd.

Gwyneth Blouse

 I am crazy about the print but the fit just wasn't there and it's a bit over-priced, even with a coupon code. Verdict: It's getting returned.

Womp. So that was my Boden order, mostly a bust. Just the way it goes with mail order clothes! They do have a few other things I'm interested in, like this cute print dress and these slim cut pants. I like Boden's quality and customer service, I just feel like I might be picking the wrong things. 


  1. I've had my eye on the Ravello top for a long time, but couldn't pull the trigger. Now all of the sale prints are sold out in my size. :-( I did pick up a couple of shirts from LOFT over the weekend that I think will fit the same bill - http://www.loft.com/ooh-la-la-silky-shirttail-tee/381920?skuId=19141091&defaultColor=&colorExplode=false&catid=catl000052&priceSort=ASC and one similar to this: http://www.loft.com/brushstroke-silky-shirttail-tee/381921?skuId=19177991&defaultColor=&colorExplode=false&catid=catl000052&priceSort=ASC
    (not a shill for them, I promise, just adding suggestions!)

    1. Oh, those are great! I need to check out LOFT.

  2. I have bought a few things from Boden over the years, and while the quality is great, for me, the fit is not. I've quit buying things from there because I'm always disappointed.

  3. I recently ordered the Harper dress from Boden and it is so money I want it in all the colors (I got the gold/navy). It's totally work-appropriate but then also a little sexy/funky, which is exactly my jam.

  4. This navy dress and Gwyneth top are great! And you look like a million bucks in them. I am not sure about the Janie dress. Although I am quite sure I don't like it with these boots (which are beautiful, by the way). Will order something from Boden as soon as I finally buy a winter coat and new boots and am not broke by then.

  5. Try rolling up the Janie sleeves, adding a belt, or trying with a jacket. I thought it looked pajama-y on me, but IMO it's just one of those dresses that needs accessories. (omg it is also kind of great with a floral print collared dickie? Secret confession: I love dickies.) It would also be super cute with all your fab pendants.

  6. I think the striped dress looks great on you! I feel that it needs to be either 2 inches longer or 2 inches shorter to work with the tall boots, but it looks great with the shoes (and maybe booties with a heel?). It just needs a belt, a sleeve roll, etc as described above. I'd wear it with red shoes/clogs/sandals…

  7. When something looks dowdy on, I think it is usually too long. I was going to recommend that you try on a petite size for the Janie dress and I bet that it would work better on you. But I just noticed that they don't make petite sizes in this dress. Bummer.

  8. I can never get myself to pull the trigger on Boden, though I've been close several times. I have to say I'm not a fan of the Janie dress...it doesn't look bad, it's more just that it's not actively flattering. The Alice dress looks much prettier (bummer that it's not more comfortable to actually wear).

  9. I ordered from Boden for the first time this spring; I bought the summer wrap dress in the wave print that is just like your red top there except navy blue and off-white. It's an absolutely gorgeous print! BUT. But but but. Quality? Not so hot. I've loved it, worn it and washed it (gently, and absolutely no tumble dryers, only Americans tumble dry everything), and the blue bits have all got a slight white fuzz so the whole dress looks a little shabby already. Tl;dr: don't know if I'll ever buy Boden again unless super-super-sale. :/

    1. This American doesn't tumble dry her clothes! But I'm sorry to hear that. The few things I do have from Boden are good quality and have held up nicely.

  10. Man, that Alice dress looks amazing on you. Hemming the sleeves to short might help? The colour and fit look so good!

    1. Aw, thanks. It's not just the length though, the sleeves are super-tight and uncomfortable.

  11. This is probably way too late, but I really like that stripey dress (the one you were undecided about) on you- seriously- it's got that just-loose-enough but still an adorable-little dress that makes the whole thing a bit effortless. And those colors would be really versatile. It seems like it would be comfortable and sexy...? That's how it looks, but perhaps that's not how it felt?


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