Thursday, August 30, 2018

Stuff I Like: Reading, Watching, Bits and Pieces.

Hey! I like some new stuff and thought I'd tell you about it. Most of it you probably already know about but too bad!  Here we go: 

This Time Travel-ish Book That Was Satisfying.
I just finished a book that I really enjoyed called How To Stop Time by Matt Haig. It sounded like a time travel novel (which is kind of is) but instead is really about immortality and grief and the work of moving on. It wasn't perfect and I suspect it'll probably end up being a movie (ha! Just found this.) but if you like time-travel type novels with a bit of romance thrown in this one is solid.

This House Show That Is A Fun Hate-Watch.
Have you guys found Amazing Interiors on Netflix yet? It's great. Every episode features three crazy interiors (though I feel I should point out that building stuff in your backyard does not count) and the homeowners range from adorably weird to downright insufferable. Mostly it's just really fun and kooky and also easy to watch when you also want to play Candy Crush or whatever.

This Leather Conditioner You Should Probably Have.
Leather conditioner is one of those things you don't think you'll need but if you want to prolong the life of your leather bags and/or jacket, go ahead an get these Apple products (especially if you buy other people's used crap like I do.) The cleaner is quite good but the conditioner is really the star. I just used it on my new Veda jacket and the difference is amazing. I also use it on my tall boots to keep them looking nice in the winter. Get some! Take care of your stuff.

This Weird Trtl Thing I Probably Should Have Returned. 
Does anyone have this Trtl Travel Pillow Wrap thing? I bought it discounted on Amazon Prime Day and lots of people seem to swear by it but now I wonder what I was thinking because I don't like things tight around my neck! I don't even wear turtlenecks! Is it cozy or just confining? If you have one and love it, convince me this thing is worth using.


  1. OMG if you like time travel novels with a little romance thrown in, have you read 11/22/63 by Steven King? I have never read another Steven King novel (though I did see It) and it is a very long book, but really, really good. I just finished it and want to tell everyone about it, but when I say "time travel" their eyes glaze over. Loved it.

    1. I have read that! I'm actually quite a Stephen King fan and 11/22/63 is one of his absolute best. I haven't watched the mini-series yet but I want to.

    2. The audio book version is excellent.

  2. The Trtl pillow is the absolute best. It doesn't have to be on super tight to be supportive, and it's just better than those useless donuts.

  3. I also bought the Trtl on Prime Day. It took a lot of futzing to figure out where the hard parts had to be in order to support my head. I had to wrap it tightly in order to get it to stay in place, so you might not like that part. Once I had it in place I slept for 2.5 hours in an airplane middle seat! So for me, it's a keeper.

    However, 1) I did not look like the model because I am 45 and my face is fleshier -- I looked like I took a phone selfie from the bottom. 2) I was not wearing a tank top on an airplane, so I woke up sweaty on the side that leans.

    1. Hahahha, I don't even want to know what I look like with it on. Dang. But thank you- I am really hoping I can get some sleep on the plane which is not something I am usually able to do.

    2. @Kimberly, omg I adore the specificity of your second paragraph ;-)

  4. I just finished watching the ENTIRE SEASON of Amazing Interiors, on your recommendation. The only homeowner I just couldn't stand was ... Giovanni. You know, the guy with the turnstile for his McLaren? That tool actually switched his Rolex from wrist to wrist so it prominently features in every shot. I mean.

    1. OMG I KNOW. And not that you need confirmation that he's the literal worst, but his IG is kind of amazing in the worst way possible. I highly recommend.

    2. I mean, what is happening here. What am I looking at:

    3. he had a tightie whitie party!

    4. Well, looks like money can't buy you a properly fitted white buttondown. That's some comfort.

  5. I ordered that pillow and returned it! i don't think it supports my neck enough. I ended up ordered and using this one on a flight to Prague


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