Friday, January 4, 2019

Adrien: A Few Things I'm Thinking About.

This blog has evolved so much since we started it nearly nine (!!) years ago. We've done our best to keep things relatable and authentic and to try to bring you enough value so you keep coming back. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have such loyal, interesting and intelligent readers and I want to keep bringing you the kind of posts you like to read.

Here are a few things that won't change:

  • Convo posts
  • Outfit posts
  • Bargain/sale posts
  • Stuff I like
  • Reviews of crap we've bought

And here's something new I've been thinking about: a resell How-To series including:

  • How to sell on Poshmark
  • How to buy on Poshmark
  • How to thrift successfully (for reselling or just for yourself)
  • How to make your clothes/shoes last longer

And...what else? I feel like thrifting and reselling is getting more and more popular and in the last year I've totally gotten on board with this for a variety of reasons. Is there interest? Also, what else would interest you? What kind of how-to would you like from us? (Other than how to find the best Idris Elba GIFs because that is classified.)


  1. Great questions! I loved thrift shopping in college and have now come back to it via Poshmark, so a tutorial would be great. Maybe sharing outfits or makeup combos to work would be cool

  2. I love this blog even if nothing changes! But I think the new ideas are interesting! I know I have a closet full of things I do not wear and should get rid of in some fashion!

    1. If reselling isn't your thing, definitely consider the Konmari method. It was really helpful when I was trying to streamline my closet.

  3. I love all the shopping and clothes stuff, but I laugh out loud at the A and M text exchanges, whether they're about mascara or crazy pants or Lifetime movies. I know the drunk moddels are kind of over, but I'm an old bat and love those too.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year to you! Thanks so much for reading. (And who knows, the drunk moddles might come back.)

  4. Love the blog and this all sounds great!

  5. I would love a Poshmark how-to (in terms of posting/selling) and a Poshmark/thrifting dos and don'ts/secrets of success. Everything else is A-OK!

    1. Done! I feel like I finally have enough experience to speak intelligently about it.

    2. Yes! Poshmark selling tutorial would be fantastic! Thank you!

  6. I would like to learn more about Poshmark.

    I have been thrifting for years and probably 80% of my clothes are thrifted. I like to use fashion blogs as a way to look for items that are current and fresh. So more on thrifting and matching to current styles?

    1. Definitely! I've been shocked as some of the good, current stuff I've found while thrifting.

  7. Yes, please on the Poshmark info for sure! I've been doing ebay for years, but the whole socializing/attending parties aspect of Poshmark makes me worry I wouldn't be successful bc I'm not interested in participating in that way. I would love to read your take on it!

    1. That aspect scared me first too and now I realize it's mostly bullshit. You can do this!

  8. I just joined Poshmark too and am completely lost. I sold something but I think it was a complete fluke, so I'm definitely on board with a tutorial.

    In terms of thrifting and Poshmark, I think it would be helpful if you could help us know what prices are fair, particularly when it comes to high end purses. I've been perusing eBay and Poshmark and have no idea what's reasonable. I know with clothes it's probably more difficult.

    1. Are you talking about pricing as a seller or what's fair as a buyer? I can address both.

  9. I feel the same. I have used eBay for years and was pretty successful but the last 6 months my sales have been way down. I fear Posh as well due to the social aspect. I just want to sell my crap! lol! I would love a post on this.

    1. You will get that post! I am confident that you can do it. It's not that hard once you get past the initial benchmarks. (I'll explain in the post, I promise.)

  10. I've bought six things on Poshmark in the last year and liked all but one. I'm a little intimidated by selling. Would love a tutorial.

  11. Would love a tutorial on selling/ buying through second hand channels (Poshmark, Facebook?). How do you know how to price your items? How do you find original model photos of an item?

    1. Done! I am making notes from these comments.

  12. This seems like a good place to mention that Idris Elba is ... in the 2019 Coachella lineup. Let's not look a gif horse in the mouth!

    1. Hmm. I have sort of been ignoring the DJ aspect of Idris.

  13. So glad you will continue the convo posts - LOVE them!!!

  14. An idea I have: posts about caring for clothes. Like I always buy stuff I love but then am lazy about getting it tailored, dry cleaned, hand washing etc so my stuff I love doesn't always last. Also I hate ironing/steaming so half the time my clothes are rumpled looking. I'm always curious how well-dressed people do this?? Another idea is outfit planning. Like do you just pick outifts morning-of as you're headed out the door, do you brianstorm or plan outfits in advance? I have a lot of single pieces I love but rarely end up in a whole outfit I love. I enjoy your blog, feel free to disregard my suggestions and keep doing as you're doing :)

    1. My last bullet is exactly what you're talking about - how to care for your clothes so they last longer. I will definitely be writing about that.

      As for the outfit planning...lately I've been terrible about it and just pick something morning-of but I'd like to be better about it.

  15. I like all the ideas that have already been listed. Please bring Cute Boy Fridays back! Also interested in plenty of in-depth posts about why something you bought did or didn’t work for you - this is one of my favorite aspects of your outfit and favorites posts. Mindful consumerism and thrifting! Yessss!

    1. Cute Boy Friday will probably make a return but I just kind of...ran out of cute boys. And then so many of them became problematic and ugh.

      I'm definitely planning to write about some purchases that didn't work out for me!

  16. You are the best! Thanks for keeping up the quality blogging in a world of instagram attrition. I'd love to see a list of your favorite blawgs. So many of my favorites have gone away.
    Oh, and staaap posting so many awesome things for me to buy. Seriously, you push allllll my impulse purchase buttons (winky face, while wearing madewell coated jeans from poshmark... )

    1. Yes! Blogs are uplifting! Instagram is soul sapping to me!

  17. I love this place and you guys so much, I'd never leave even if it became a full-time Scotch-tape review blog. Even though you and Kim France are neck and neck for making me BUY STUFF dammit! heh.

    1. So you're saying you want Scotch tape reviews? BECAUSE WE WILL DO THAT.

  18. I love this blog and all you do! All of your suggestions sound good to me, even though I haven't bought/sold secondhand online (I can do that locally in person which is good enough right now). Thank you for being awesome and funny and a bright spot in my day!

  19. I don't this this is a repeat comment, but for serious keep up your reviews! I've purchased many a product based on your reviews. I try to buy from your links even, but I will be honest, I device switch so I don't know if you get credit or not.

    1. I'm glad we can recommend some good stuff! (And don't worry about the links, we're happy to help.)

  20. Ooh, I would please like a how to skin care routine for those in thirtiesd up to forties.

  21. I would love some info/encouragement on the selling via various outlets: I just send all my stuff to crossroads in bags and get pennies. Well i have hundreds in credit but .... then i switched to cash and get less. Mostly I am deaccessioning (yes, thank you, i am a museum) so all that credit isn't so helpful. anyway, trying to move things out easily but leaving a lot of money on the table which bothers me if i think about it........ so how can a not super organized person sell online..........
    love your blog, love the beauty reviews, like your athletic wear reviews (aspirationally inspiring), outfits, etc. Mostly love your voices!

    1. Thanks for reading! More info on reselling is coming.

  22. I love your reviews... maybe you can do reader "spotlight" reviews - like readers voluntarily submit a top 5 list of products/clothing they are loving?

  23. Love all the current content, and am very interested in a how-to buy/sell/thrift series. Also, Idris Elba at the Golden Globes...*fans self*


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