Thursday, October 3, 2019

Stuff I Like (And One Thing I Didn't): Watching, Reading, Wearing, Spinning

Hey, it's October but we're setting heat records over here in Virginia (97 today! Great!) so what can you do? I would certainly like to be all, "It's decorative gourd season, motherfuckers!" but we're not quite there yet. Still, here's what I've been liking this fall because I guess that's what it is:

This Show That Is London Candy
I save certain shows to watch while I'm doing cycling workouts on my stationary trainer because otherwise I'll die of boredom/sadness. I just finished the new season of Veronica Mars which I implore you not to watch if you haven't already. It's...not good. I am still mad about it. Anyway, lately I've been watching Four Weddings and a Funeral, a Hulu show (loosely based on the movie) created by Mindy Kaling, who I love. The best thing about the show is definitely Brandon Mychal Smith who is also my favorite part of You're The Worst. This show is not going to win any awards but it's fun London-based candy and has a cameo of the best/worst person from the movie.

This Book About Things I Knew Nothing About
I've been reading a really great book! It's Pachinko by Min Jin Lee, a novel about about Japanese–Korean culture and Japanese occupation of Korea and World War II. Sounds heavy, right? It is but it's also a beautifully written story about women and their (often deeply unfair) lives through all this. I'm enjoying the departure and love learning more about cultures I'm pretty unfamiliar with. I recommend it. PS. Marianne is reading The Gown by Jennifer Robson and really loves it. (I am going to read it next, so I'll report back.)

This Lipstick You Probably Need
While in an airport recently stewing over a canceled flight, I succumbed to the airport MAC store conveniently placed there for rage-purchases. I bought a lipstick without even trying it on and thankfully it's really great. I even threw out one of my very, very old lipsticks by Origins that makes Marianne cringe because holy shit, when did you buy that. (Um.) ANYWAY, MAC Party Line is a bright but deep berry-red color with a semi-gloss finish (get away from me with that matte crap) that cheers up my whole face without being too crazy or intense. It's a good one.

The Salad Spinner Of My Dreams
There is nothing worse than a bad kitchen tool, am I right? When I moved in with my guy we had two of everything and we both had shitty salad spinners so we kept his, which was a mistake. It's THE WORST and I finally threw it on the donate pile in disgust. After quite a bit of research, I ordered this one. It is such an upgrade! It's big and sturdy with a locking lid and a pour spout! I am just so into it. Maybe you don't think you need one? I use my spinner for way more than lettuce - it's great for drying chopped broccoli, brussels sprouts or any other veggies you roast, because the key to crispy roasted vegetables is no moisture. Also, it's great for getting all the grit out of kale and for drying delicate herbs like basil. You definitely need this if you cook a lot, is all I'm saying.


  1. An off label use for salad spinners: a tabletop spin cycle for delicates! I bought my first Grown Ass Lady Bras a couple of months ago and a Redditor recommended salad spinning hand washed bras to get rid of as much water as possible before air drying. It totally works!

  2. I'm sad but glad to see you do not recommend I watch Veronica Mars. I kind of liked the original run (still don't enjoy the slut shaming and victim blaming).

    1. I loved the original series (though agree re. slut shaming/victim blaming) but really don't love what they did with the new season.

  3. Pachinko is one of my favorite books this year!!!! I was reading on the beach with some friends and actually gasped at one particular passage and they were all "WHAT'S WRONG???" I had to explain it was the book.

  4. had to stop in the middle of reading this to say I am midway through Veronica Mars and UGH, I am SO RESENTFUL.


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