Thursday, December 19, 2019

Outfit of the Day: I Wear Too Much Black

I have reached the point of the season where I hate all my clothes and nothing fits right and UGH. I am just going to wear sweatpants and live under a blanket. To force myself out of this mentality, I combed my closet for something, anything, that brings me joy. And I found it! Here's the outfit:

I'm wearing a lot of black and I don't caaaaare. Now, this Halston tuxedo jacket I'm wearing is the main thing bringing me joy. I bought it a couple of years ago and I don't wear it a ton like I hoped I would but it's really special and fits so nicely and man, it's just so cool. I should wear it more! I'm mostly just afraid I'll wreck it, you know? I really need to get over that. Now, obviously it's long sold out (there is ONE on Poshmark!) but I can find good alternatives! This Frame jacket is discounted but still an investment, but it's so beautiful. There's also a really nice looking version at LOFT and hey, Target has one too and it gets great reviews. You have options! 

Because I was feeling rocker-fancy I also wore my Madewell coated jeans. I don't wear them too often because the coating eventually wears off, but I really love them and it's fun to have "leather" jeans. They only have a few sizes in stock right now but Nordstrom also carries them and has them price-matched! And of course, Target has a version if you don't feel like paying real money for these (but I swear they're worth it.) 

Hey, remember when I grudgingly spent my Everlane credit on t-shirts? This is one of them and I'm pleasantly surprised that I like it as much as I do. I haven't washed it yet and I fully expect it'll eventually be relegated to my around-the-house pile, but for now it's a pretty good striped tee. Details: 

I pulled out another forgotten favorite - my Lulu Frost for J.Crew tassel necklace. It's heavy and a little weird but it like a statement tassel quite a bit. This one by Lulu Frost is quite a deal and this one by Panacea is, um, gigantic but I kinda love it? LOFT also has a pretty option that's not quite so crazy.

I definitely needed a little color with this outfit and my Longchamp bag is delivering! I've been enjoying this squishy little satchel quite a bit. NM has a really bright red version on sale and NR still has the big version in the same red I have. My boots are the same pair I've been wearing forever - Madewell Lucien. The Regan style is probably the most similar. 

That's it! I am wearing too much black and that's basically my mood today but hey, I have a bright-ass red sweater coming in the mail, so things could change. Heh.


  1. I have those Madewell coated jeans and I just love them. They're surprisingly comfortable too.

  2. Loved this outfit so much I scooped the Halston Heritage jacket on Poshmark. (Got it for a little less too.) You look great!


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