Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Fine, You Were Right.

My favorite thing about writing this blog is the feedback and recommendations I get from those of you who are kind enough to read regularly. I know a few of you have been reading from the very beginning (and you deserve an award for not leaving after some of the outfits we've posted. Yikes.)

ANYWAY, last week I posted my fall wish list and how I'm, again, trying really hard to buy things that will last and that suit the direction my style is has been heading. My goal is to buy less and buy smarter. One of the things I posted about was a tuxedo jacket that I've had my eye on:

I've been wearing (and complaining about) the same sad Gap tuxedo jacket for the last seven years and keep talking about replacing it. For SEVEN YEARS. I mean, kudos to Gap for making something that lasted that long, right? Anyway, I complained about it yet again and a reader posted this:
Not to be an enabler, but I've been reading your blog for a long time (I think five years? At least? It's actually probably a bit longer than that!) and every time you wear your Gap tuxedo jacket, you mention that you need a replacement. So I think it would be a worthwhile investment, as you would probably wear it for another 5 years or more! :) It's a classic!

I know, right? I just need to shut up and order it. So I did. Then this:

A:  I have a terrible problem.
M: Hit me. 
A: I ordered that Halston tuxedo jacket from TJ Maxx, assuming it would be terrible and wouldn't fit.
M: Fatal mistake.
A: It's SO GOOD.
M: Duh.
A: Like, it's Kate Lanphear good.
M: Link pls
A: Here you go. 
M: That's so perfectly perfect.
A: I knooooowwwwww.
M: Here's the thing, you've talked about wanting a new one literally for years.
A: Oh, I'm keeping it.
M: You will wear it to death.
A: I better.
Anyway, here is a really quick photo of the jacket in which I forgot about smiling:

I took a medium (Sarah - I ordered both!) so I think it probably runs a tiny bit small (or I'm running a tiny bit big lately.) The original retail was $450 and it looks like it. This jacket is so beautiful and so nicely made and a total steal. If you're considering buying it, just do it. It's on available in small and medium on TJM, but Halston has it in large in black and in XL in cream (for more money, I'm sorry.) 

It's  Kate Lanphear cool, you guys. 


  1. Naw, it's Adrian cool :-) A fantastic piece that look terrific on you. Can't wait to see it in allll of your outfits. And I'm thrilled to enable your wanty purchases since you've been instrumental in several of mine (yeah I bought that Loft leopard dress and it's awesome).

  2. Woot! Woot! So happy for you. Honestly, seven years is a pretty considered purchase.

    Also, since you are one of the influencier bloggers I follow (in that I am inclined to buy what you and your commenters recommend), it's nice to know that the shopping-enabling current runs both ways. (:

    1. Absolutely! I buy so much stuff because of you guys.

  3. That is so chic & it looks great on you. Enjoy every wear!

  4. Ohhhh that was my comment! And I am so glad you bought it, it looks KILLER on you! Definitely a good buy. :)

  5. Just ordered it in a Medium (hope it fits!) - you find the best stuff!


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