Monday, January 11, 2021

Monday Mood: Love It, Can't Have It.

WHY IS MARIANNE SO MEAN. I've agreed to a no-buy this month which made looking through all the extra-40%-off sale offerings at Anthro super fun. I am FINE. I have EVERYTHING I NEED I AM FINE. Ugh, look:


  1. OH.MY.GOD.THAT DRESS. I'm dying.

  2. Argh, I really need another evil eye charm. Or two.

  3. Thank you for enabling me. As a new 42 year old mommy who hasn't bought anything for herself in a year except for $8 worth of tshirts and $15 runners from Walmart I am excited to get a tunic dress and a beautiful patterned skirt!

    1. Yay! I promise having one or two nice things in your closet will make you feel so much happier about getting dressed.


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