Thursday, January 7, 2021

Stuff I Like: Comfort Edition.

 Well, 2021 is starting off pretty rough, you guys. Things are not great and I don't know about you all, but it makes me want to go back to bed and stay there for... a while. For the past few months I've tried to take it easy on myself and just watch the shows that don't challenge and read the books that are comforting. I've also shied away from a lot of the political podcasts I'd been listening to and trying to find easier things to listen to so my anxiety isn't always ratcheted up to 11, you know? Here is what I've been into lately, all of it fairly gentle:

This Show Which Was a Happy Surprise.
Recently we were cruising endlessly around Hulu like you do, looking for something funny to watch. My boyfriend found GameFace, and, recognizing Roisin Conaty from After Life, we decided to give it a go. You guys. This is the funniest damn show. Just hilarious and silly and also quietly kind. Roisin Conaty wrote, directed and starred in it! I can't wait to see more from her. Sadly, there are only two seasons but it wraps in a satisfyingly manner.

These Gummies Which Actually Kinda Work? 
Someone posted about these Olly stress gummies on IG months ago and I generally regard such things to be expensive candy but I bought a container and ya'll, it's nearly empty. They definitely take the edge off and help me fall asleep when I'm feeling keyed up. I have to admit, I am thinking about taking things up to the next level with this box set of Martha Stewart CBD gummies! So pretty! Such fun flavors! I'm not supposed to be shopping this month but we'll see. (PS. it doesn't help that I found a 20% off code: CBDFORME20. This is not a referral, just a code I found!) 

This Blog Reader-Recommended Comfort Read.
I've basically run out of Jenny Colgan books and recently blog reader Roberta recommended Katie Fforde. I just finished Artistic License and it's exactly the kind of gentle, formulaic love story/comedy I was looking for. The female characters are charming and a bit silly (though I found the men a bit dimensional) and all the characters should really learn to use their words but it was a fun read and I've already downloaded another one for when I need it. (Currently I'm reading The Other Bennet Sister because I love Jane Austen world novels.)

This Podcast Which Is Uniquely British.
I'm not sure how I found Table Manners with Jessie Ware but it's such an easy listen! Just soothing chats with Jessie (and her mum who calls everyone "dahling") and famous people about food, mostly. Now, I'll admit straight up that I had no idea who Jessie Ware is but after I looked her up, the rest of the guests made sense. Various Spice Girls! Nigella Lawson! A lot of funny British celebrities I've never heard of! It's a good one to listen to when you're cooking or doing mundane house tasks. 


  1. I found Jessie years ago on You Tube and was quite obsessed with her music. I got very lucky when she came to St Pete (Florida) and saw her live in a teeny tiny place. I had to look and see if it was the same person! :)

  2. I'm so pleased you liked Katie Fforde! I finally got my hold copy of The Heir Affair and next will be the last in the Finishing School series by Gail Carriger (this is a very silly series indeed and not for everyone). I ditched my Hulu subscription because SO MUCH TV, but Game Face sounds right up my alley, so maybe I will sign up again. They have the Animaniacs!


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