Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Adrien: I'm an addict.

I have a handbag...problem. I am the first one to admit it, too. I am addicted and would rather have a nice bag than just about anything else. I'll wear cheap shoes and really cheap clothes but I do like a nice bag. Sadly, my income doesn't permit me to buy fancy new bags, so I spend a lot of time scouting bargains on eBay and Bonanzle. I also usually sell a bag to buy one, so it all evens out.

Recently I sold two and bought two, both of which were absolute steals. Today I'm carrying the stealiest of the two:

It's a Marc Jacobs Stella, one of the older versions with cloth lining.  I honestly think nothing beats Marc Jacobs soft calf leather.

More hazy outfit photos (it finally rained, making the outside world ultra-humid):

 belt detail!

obligatory goofy outtake
dress: Banana Republic
belt: NY & Co.
sandals: Ann Taylor


  1. Super pretty bag for a super steal! I have that one in pink (as you know) and I looove it. I dig the belt, too.

  2. If some black haired girl mugs you for that bag, it wasn't me. $50?! Seriously?! That's my style all the way. LOVE IT! I do the same thing... great bag means you can skimp on everything else, right? :)

  3. Lara, this is why I work out - to fight off bag-stealers! *puts up dukes*


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