Thursday, July 15, 2010

Review: Skin & Bones

A while ago a mutual friend of ours posted on Facebook about this amazing oil she'd been using on her face and how glowy her skin looked. We were all, DUDE WHERE NOW NEED. Because who doesn't want glowy skin? The friend hooked me up with Heidi, the creator of Skin & Bones, and she was kind enough to send Marianne and I generous samples.

My review:

I wasn't sure what to expect but this stuff is great. And isn't the packaging fantastic:

Aside from looking really cool, the dark violet glass protects the ingredients:

Skin & Bones contains 100% pure jojoba oil and nine therapeutic grade essential oils including; Frankincense, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Cedarwood, Lemon, Rosewood and Sandalwood.

I read that and was intrigued but also slightly worried I'd end up smelling like a hippie. Luckily, I could not have been more wrong. This stuff smells AMAZING and I don't say that lightly. I don't like the scent of (easily) 90% of skincare products. I'm picky. I'm the girl who used unscented lotion, unscented deodorant, unscented everything. I'm just sensitive to perfumes, I guess. But, Skin & Bones is not perfumey and it doesn't have a strong or cloying scent, just a lovely one. It's unisex, but warm and spicy with hints of jasmine (my favorite) and unlike perfume, the scent becomes subtle on the skin as the oil just melts in.

Right now my face is doing pretty well so I've been sticking with my regular regime, but I have used it a few times as a nighttime moisturizer with good results. Come fall and winter, this will be my regular nighttime moisturizer, no doubt. For now, I mostly use it on my heels, my elbows, my shoulders, anywhere I need a little moisturizing.

It melts into my skin and just gives me a nice glow without being sticky or greasy or weird. I'm addicted. (Like, uh, last week? I dropped my little sample bottle and made an freaked-out hissing noise like Gollum losing his Precious as it rolled away.)  Seriously, I love this stuff and will be ordering a regular sized bottle soon.

Marianne's take:

Upon opening the package from Skin and Bones I was immediately struck by nice little details. An embossed business card on heavy card stock and the attractive, scrolling label. I read more about the product and immediately started feeling antsy. It sounded...smelly. I am really not a big fan of smelly things. But hey, a free sample is a free sample, so I had to try it.

Let me tell you, folks, this stuff is smelly but it smells DIVINE. I want to wear it as a perfume! So far I have not tried it on my face (because of Wonderbar issues, MORE ON THAT LATER OH YES), but I've rubbed it on dry patches and it's very soothing. But mostly I love to spritz a bit on my collarbone/chest area, which adds a nice shine and smells delicious. Seriously, this is good smelling stuff. I also like rubbing it in to my cuticles. I don't use much moisturizer in the summer (it's so hot and humid here that I just feel slimy), but this sinks in quickly. It reminds me a little bit of Origin's Birthday Suit, the kind of thing you can rub on after a shower.

Come winter, I think I'll try this on my daughter Lulu as well. And once I get over the current issues I'm having with my skin (OH YES, MORE TO COME), I'd like to try it on my face as well. At the moment I'm just a little gun shy.

Overall, this is a delicious-smelling product! The small sample vial has lasted a pretty long time, so even though the full sized bottle is pricey at $40 for 3.4oz., it will last you for quite a while.

More info:


  1. Hi Marianne!
    I tried to email you about your Wonderbar experience because it sounds bad! It can be the simplest thing (like an ingredient in your moisturizer or you sunscreen) that can cause you to break out while using the Wonderbar, so I wanted to see what you were using with it and hopefully help you. Please let me know!

  2. Hi Marianne!
    I tried to email you about your Wonderbar experience because it sounds bad! It can be the simplest thing (like an ingredient in your moisturizer or you sunscreen) that can cause you to break out while using the Wonderbar, so I wanted to see what you were using with it and hopefully help you. Please let me know!


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