Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adrien: Hazy day.

Sorry for the hazy photos. Even in the morning it's hot and steamy around here and the camera can't take it. Yesterday in the mail I received my coveted Double Torsade necklace from Anthro. I love how it looks on other folks but worried that it wouldn't work on me because I don't generally do big jewelry because I always feel like it's wearing me instead of the other way around. I think it looks cute in the photos:

Later today I realized I like it better if I twirl the beads around each other a little tighter - it's less loopy that way. Either way, I was happy to pick this up for $15! A fun final summer purchase. I've definitely begun to think towards fall and I've got a few small obsessions brewing...

dress: Banana Republic
belt: no idea
sandals: Ann Taylor
necklace: Anthropologie Double Torsade necklace


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