Thursday, September 27, 2012

90% of our conversations go like this.

A: I stumbled across these shoesand I'm sort of...considering them? I have a 20% off coupon:

Coclico Renny

M: Those are interesting for sure. I like the color.

A: I should be saving towards boots, but... I am bad at shopping.

M: Well, let's see. Don't you have purple shoes already?

A: Those are brown with purple trim! Totally different. I do have tall purple-ish Frye t-straps, though.

M: Ah, they read plum at first. You really, really want boots, though. Devil's advocate.

A: I know. Ugh.

M: I'm sorry! They are real pretty and definitely your style. But.

M: I think I want this haircut:

A: I love you, but that looks like long curly hair to me. (I AM BASICALLY A DUDE.)

M: I swear.

A: I'm sorry! I do not understand this photo in the context of "haircut" but it does look like glorious, long curly hair I will never have.

M: Sigh

A: It looks like your hair! Which is gloriously long and curly! I'm going to go play football now! Maybe drink some beer!

M: Impossible. Have you decided on the shoes?

A: Eh, free returns, I ordered them on spec.

M: Oooh. Yay for new shoes!

A: I'm pretty sure Coclico and Chie Mihara are made at the same place, so I'm curious.

M: I didn't know that! Interesting. I still covet those blue Coclico wedges.

A: Oh god, those are fantastic.

M: These are the perfect skinny jeans I have been searching for:

7FAMK Slim Illusion Rinse Skinny Jeans
Must. Try.

A: Ooooh, those look really good! I had to return my original pair of 7 For All Mankind Kimmie jeans because they were more than 50% stretch and felt like Old Navy jeans. I try-tried again with these:

7FAMK Kimmie 

A: Same cut, different fabric/color. They're pretty good.

M: Those look freaking perfect! I seriously might lose my mind and buy those skinny jeans.

A: I think that's entirely reasonable as long as they're absolutely perfect. I don't mess around with jeans. If that pair is on Amazon, they have two promotions running right now. You can get 20% off by signing up for their clothing emails or $20 off denim.


A: Dammit, now I want these:

7FAMK Slim Cigarette Jeans
A: I need to stop looking at stuff.

M: God, we are a sick lot. I really hope these jeans work. I was seriously in tears last week over my skinny jean situation? Sad.

A: I only have one pair of jeans I can wear with boots right now. It's downright tragical.

M: My Gap skinny jeans kind of split my peaches a bit and I just can't handle it any more.

A: I have my black skinny jeans that I can still squeeze into but my blue ones (Levi's) are OBSCENE.

M: Those Joe's jeans skinny monsters!

A: Oh, not those! I have another pair that are actual jeans. I'd forgotten about the "force them on" pants. Ha.

M: Just depressing.



  1. You guys crack me up! This sounds like a conversation I have in my head every time I online shop.

    The Cardigan Diaries

  2. Dude - you simply MUST get the 7famk illusion jeans. I just got them (wore them today, in fact), and despite the fact that I get downright stabby about spending so much cash on "premium denim," this is one instance in which I think it's worth it. They are super slimming, and super comfy. Even the waistband doesn't pinch and is stretchy. I have thick legs and sized up to reduce the sausage-casing effect, and I like the fit, but if I wanted them to be more second-skin-like, I probably could have taken my normal size.

    Anyway, love you guys. Have been reading, like, for-evah but have never posted. But you are my internets favorites.


    1. Hi Abby, thanks for reading! And for making me want Marianne's coveted jeans! Dammit.

    2. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THESE JEANS. I am worried that I ordered them a size too big, but we'll see. YAY!

    3. Wait, what size did you get? You didn't follow my advice, did you.

    4. I had a panicky last minute change of heart. Because that size was almost sold out, but the smaller size wasn't, so I didn't want to risk them being too small and then not being able to get the bigger size? I don't know.

    5. That is acceptable. And I think they do free exchanges.

    6. They do! So we shall see. I can't wait to try them.

    7. Yay! I can't wait to hear how you like them. I pretty much haven't taken them off since I got them. It's a little scary how much I like them. Abby

    8. I just ordered a pair. I'm weak.


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