Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Here's what you can't tell from these pictures: I'm freezing my ass off. But you guys! It's spring and I am NOT LETTING WINTER WIN. I decided to wear something I'd been saving for warmer days, a melon pink silk blouse I found languishing among the wool sweaters on the sale rack. I love it a lot and I know I'll be wearing it a ton, but it showed me immediately how much I need a couple of spring cardigans. I had absolutely nothing to layer over it but pilled winter sadness, so I went without. So cold. So sad. Don't care:

Yes, another eBay rescue. Will discuss later.

blouse: Ann Taylor silk camp shirt 
pants: Banana Republic (similar)
shoes: Banana Republic (similar)
bag: Marc Jacobs Stella (similar on sale!)
wing necklace: Forever 21 (similar) (not-for-the-faint-of-heart similar here)
earrings: Forever 21 shimmering teardrop (love these. So cute! So cheap!)
bracelets: Giles & Brother skinny railroad spike


  1. I love all of it, but also I printed out a photo of you to show my stylist how I want my hair (previously I had been coming equipped with a photo of Julia Stiles).

    1. Aw, thanks! My growing-out process has been interesting.

  2. Stella! Steeeeelllllllaaaa! Sorry, but I couldn't help it, the MJ Stella is my favorite bag of all time. Love the bright color of the blouse.

    1. I have such a weakness for the older soft calf MJ bags.

  3. I freaking love your hair! The length is super flattering on you. Oh, and your outfit rocks too :)

  4. I've been checking ebay for a Stella for awhile - do you have any tips? I have a smallish budget but am ever hopeful I'll find a great one (that's not pink or black).

    1. Are you looking for tips on authenticating or just how to get a good deal? Why don't you email me and I'll see if I can help. amblus (at) gmail dot com


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