Thursday, January 2, 2014

Buy This (I Might Too): Anthropologie Sale House Stuffs.

Okay, I have a confession to make to you guys - I've way, way slacked off on keeping up with the sales on clothing and bags and whatnot because I've lately become obsessed with making my apartment look like an adult-ish place that feels like me. You would think this is something I'd be good at since I went to art school and can put an outfit together (mostly) but... no. Non. Nyet. I am so hopeless and I think Marianne is going to friend-divorce me if I send her one more text about throw pillows.

A: How about this one? Too blue? Too precious? Too gloomy? Too trendy? Too chevron? Teal? Royal blue? Yellow? Orange? HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME. 

M: Who is this?

Luckily with her help and also the help of, um, a lot of my other friends (Hi Nina! Hi Ashley! Hi Kate!), I've started to pull my shit together. So, while this post was originally going to be about a really good, basic sweater I bought (This one here. Extra 30% off with code BRGOOD30. 2% back with eBates. Done.) instead I'm going to sigh over the Anthropologie sale, in which you can get an extra 50% off of house stuff with code WARMUP. Here's what I'd get:

The Spotted Jacquard Napkin Bundle is just the thing to class up my business so I can stop giving my guests a select-a-size paper towel as a napkin. Seriously.

I would like an Inset Monogram Mirror "A" to hang in that weird space between my TV and the wall. Sorta shiny! A stands for Adrien! And Awesome! I'll stop.

I think this Crushed Eggshell Side Table (but in the red colorway) would work great as a plant stand and would hopefully save one of my plants from my cat's plan of totally destruction. Also, it's a lot better than this ridiculous bullshit. Really, Anthro?

This might be my favorite color of all time and I want the Sophie Linen Duvet on my bed. That is all I have to say about that.

I actually went SHOPPING for a butter dish and finally gave up and bought a boring one at Target. This Tea and Toast Butter Dish is 800% cuter. Ugh.

PS. My apologies if these items have already sold out! They were available at the time I wrote the post. 


  1. I actually like the dip-dyed side table, haha. But you and I can agree on the adorable butter dish!

    1. Aw, you can like it! I was mostly outraged at the price because it's seriously something you can make yourself if you can get your hands on a chunk 'o tree.

    2. OH, that makes sense! Honestly the price of anything at Anthropologie horrifies me, but I guess that's mostly because I'm on a student-type budget!


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