Friday, July 24, 2015

Cute Boy Friday: Something About Harry.

You thought this was going to be about Prince Harry, didn't you? Nope. Here's something you don't know about me - when I was in high school I was a HUGE fan of Harry Connick Jr. I saw him live and everything. He was doing a serious big band thing and was so young and nerdy cute! Ugh, so cute and so sweet about how much he adores his wife. So when he was suggested on IG last week for Cute Boy Friday (thanks, Nicole) I was like, YES. Because, come on:

That crazy lopsided grin! And, ooh, with the cowboy hat in Hope Floats? Yes.

And I think he's been aging quite well:

Yes indeed. 


  1. I LOVE Harry. We saw him 2 weeks ago at a gorgeous, outdoor concert venue - a small winery with an amphitheater, for my birthday and we were close enough really appreciate the talent-just watching him play piano. The man is dreamy. He was so fun and engaging. Absolutely a perfect choice for Cute Boy Friday-though he's all man in my book #swoon.

  2. He is so dreamy! And in Hope Floats? I die.

  3. Dreamy is the exact word I use for him....sigh.
    Glad I could help with the struggle that is Cute Boy Friday.

  4. One of my first CDs was Red Light Blue Light.


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