Friday, July 29, 2016

Weekend Window Shopping: Inception.

M: I'm not missing some FINAL SALE small print am I?

A: It doesn't look like final sale at all! And it's cute but...a romper? I don't understand how it works.

M: I'll keep you posted. it's either going to be amazing or make me want to actually die. Adventure!

A: Live dangerously! With romper things!

A: I have been so wanty lately. Like something clicked over and I'm thinking about fall? It's still effing July.

M: I know, we are wrapping up our Christmas content plan so suddenly I'm like oooh booties. NO. IT IS 100 DEGREES.

A: The heat index is 104° and I'm already trying to figure out which chelsea boots to buy for fall. I mean.

M: have Chelsea boots.

A: I'm sorry, are you a dude? I want different Chelsea boots. My Madewell boots are casual. I want something sharper like these:

Or maybe these in burgundy? I don't have burgundy boots:

Or these which are beautiful:

OR! These except I think they might be Advanced:

A: I haven't been thinking about this at all.

M: Haha. I like the last ones best for me, but they are 1. Casual and 2. Prob more me than you? Also I bought booties yesterday shutup.

A: What did you get? And yeah, I think the last pair is probably more your style but I love them in theory. And YES THEY ARE CASUAL BUT ALSO TOTES DIFFERENT FROM MINE.

M: I'm just SAYING. I have actually dramatically reduced my shoe wardrobe.

A: Uh.

M: I know. As for the booties, they are Dolce Vita by way of TJ Maxx and apparently exist no where in the world. They are taupe perforated suede.

A: There was a woman at the airport who was wearing this perfect outfit: skinny jeans, this beautiful orangy-pink blouse, the Liberty tote I love, and boots that very much match your description but they were grey. So cute.

M: Yes they are a taupey-grey! With little slits on each side. They are real cute WHY CAN'T I FIND A PICTURE.

A: YES. Those sound like her boots. I couldn't stop staring.

M: I also found these (for under $40!) at TJ Maxx and let me tell you they are the best, most comfortable heeled sandal around:

A: Oooohh. STOPPIT.

M: I've worn them three days in a row.

A: Are they on your feet right now?

M: No, I wore them yesterday though I promise.

A: Oh, it was more that I wanted to see a RL pic.

M: Haha. I'll take one later, and of the boots that I'm starting to think I hallucinated. Inception boots.

A: You just bought the idea of boots.

M: They are still in my car and you have no idea how close I am to leaving my desk and walking all the way out there.

A: There are no actual boots, just an idea.




M: So now you've seen them. I pride myself on google stalking products. WHERE ARE THEY.

A: Really weird. They must just be an older style?

M: For whatever reason this is really irritating me. They can't be that old, they are too on trend!

A: I've been looking for them and now I'm irritated too. Is there a style name written inside? Why don't you walk back to your car and look?



M: I think we found a glitch in the Matrix.

A: Everything is cancelled until I find them.

(Readers: Can you find these boots?  dolce vita inside zipper, no straps or seaming, perforated taupe leather. Anyone who finds them will win...well, nothing. but we will be impressed.)

M: My search is over.

A: ...

M: that's the sartorial equivalent to being Rick Rolled.

A: I am taking this personally.


  1. Couldn't find the boots (damn, they are cute!), but have to give M a standing ovation for that sartorial Rick Roll. Hehehe.

  2. For possibly imaginary boots, they're very cute. I just bought dark wash, flare jeans, even though it's 150 degrees in South Georgia, and a floral sweater from Loft.


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