Thursday, June 29, 2017

Stuff I Like: Charley Harper plus Reading/Watching

Oh, Charley Harper. I know it's very MCM hipster to love Charley Harper but I DO. I really do. This is a man who loves cardinals as much as I do! And otters and raccoons. I have a big Charley Harper calendar in my office and the June pic is a bunch of black bears eating blackberriesEep! The calendar also came with three sheets of CH stickers that I use for decorating wrapped gifts because who doesn't want a flat otter on their gift? Nobody, that's who. Also! If you have a large section of wall in need of decoration, I highly recommend a Charley Harper National Park Service poster. They are huge and really beautiful! I have the Sierra Range poster in my dining room. 

The Land of Nod has a whole Charley Harper collection meant for children I guess but tbh I would LOVE this little stuffed cardinal like a LOT. A LOT LOT. AND RACCOON BOWLING AND A RACCOON SHELF ARE YOU KIDDING ME. YOU GUYS I AM ALL-CAPS INTO THIS. PS. TIGER THROW PILLOW.

I might need a nap.

I'm still into my summer of easy reading and just started re-reading A Walk In The Woods by Bill Bryson. It's informative and funny and also just a good story. Reading it always makes me want to hike the AT but does not make me want to go camping because I am just not a camper. Please do not attempt to convert me I am not camping. Anyway, Bill Bryson is generally a solid bet if you want a fun, informative read. Or, if you went to art school like me and missed out on certain segments of education I recommend his book, A Short History of Nearly Everything which is quietly mind-blowing.

You guys, Orlando Soria is a goddamn nation Instagram treasure. His website and IG posts are beautiful and also hilarious but his Instagram stories (reporting from his parent's basement!) are truly giving me life. His recent stories about cauliflower pizza crust (DON'T DO IT) made me cry-laugh tbh as well as his new musical idea, Jeans for Teenz. And, if you watch enough of his stories you will start ending all your sentences with tbh. It's unavoidable tbh.


  1. I love Charley Harper so HARD! I'd get any of his collection from Land of Nod. some of it's so clever!

  2. I love Charley Harper too! Although I didn't know he was hipster territory now :) I might have to get that green jay pillow. And the mobile. And the bird rug. Crap.

    1. He might not be? I've just noticed a lot more CH stuff of late.

  3. Thanks for the Orlaaaando tip! Hysterical and real. Love his writings.

  4. Thank you for bringing Orlando into my life. His Instagram story this morning about watching Felicity made me LOL.


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