Thursday, March 11, 2010

An Introduction...and we explain stuff.

Hi. My friend Marianne and I were talking (if by talking I mean rabidly posting back and forth on Twitter) and decided that what the world really needs is another fashion blog. No, really. One that doesn't include coy poses, pigeon-toed stances or over-the-shoulder "what was that!?" looks. We like to smile for the camera. We also like to talk about clothes we can't afford to buy, share our outfits and frantically send dressing room photos with comments like, "TRAGIC? NOT TRAGIC?"

We won't just post what works, we'll post what we thought worked when we got dressed in the morning and then realized DOES NOT WORK AT ALL by the time we walked in the office. You get the good, the bad, the ugly.

Oh, and the title? That's the comment my husband often makes when I'm looking in the mirror and ask if the outfit works or not. THANKS HONEY.

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