Friday, March 12, 2010

Adrien: Rainy outfit of the day.

This skirt is ridiculous. It's so bright that I usually just pair it with black, but today I feel like a goth kid throwing her mother a bone:

(why am I clenching my hand into a fist like that? I won't punch you, I promise.)

I usually wear it in the summer with a black t-shirt and wedge sandals but I thought I'd give it a try today with black boots. And black tights. And a black t-shirt. And a black cardigan. Oh, and a black bag. WTF. I really should try to figure out how to pair it with color but I'm afraid I'll look like a Fabergé egg. I will say, every time I wear this skirt I get compliments, and almost exclusively from men. Not in a creepy way, either. I don't get it but I think it's funny. We'll see if it happens today.

Here's the outfit with my Banana Republic trench coat:

Skirt: Kmart
t-shirt: Banana Republic
cardigan: Banana Republic
boots: Camper
bag: Margo


  1. Ooh, I want your trench coat. I tried on the saddest trenches at Target yesterday. Tragic. You look adorable, I would have to do black with that skirt too.

  2. I think you look adorable. An emerald green or orange bag would be lovely with the skirt!


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