Friday, October 15, 2010

Adrien: The Good and the Pissing Me Off.

It's Friday, so I'll start with The Good. I braved the J. Crew warehouse sale in town this week and when I say "braved" I'm not exaggerating. That was some advanced level shopping, y'all. Not for beginners and certainly not for the "I hate shopping" crowd. Advanced as in piles and piles of unorganized clothing, table upon table upon table of unorganized, unmatched boots. BOOTS. AS FAR AS THE EYE COULD SEE. Mostly in sizes 10 and 11. It was the stuff of shopping nightmares but I am not a beginner and I dove right in.

I quickly determined that the tall boot were all too big in the calf for me so I found two styles of short boots I liked and concentrated on those. 30 minutes later, with Nina's help, I'd found two matching pairs to try on (in the middle of a crowded aisle while wearing jodhpurs and a horse-drool covered shirt. Sexy.) I made a final decision and got these:

I love them. Love love love them. I'm going to have so much fun figuring out what to wear them with! They are a little tough, a little stompy, very me.

Now, for the Pissing Me Off. Behold, the following Sartorialist photo:


First of all, yes, she's very lovely and I would kill for that Birkin she's being all blasé about but, really? REALLY with the shoes? And the bike? And the Birkin all topsy turvy on the back rack? I just can't stand it. Marianne's comment was:


I concur. And are those...leather shorts she's wearing? Out. Get out of my office. OOOUUUUUUUTTTTT!


  1. Actually, those shorts look more like pleather than leather but I'm sure they're not. Also, she's totally going to get her heels caught in her pedals and do a faceplant in the middle of the road.

    And I am seriously loving those boots and am attempting to stifle my green-eyed monster. Lucky duck!

  2. Adrien, I'll hunt her down next week and take that bag for you. It's not like she'll be able to catch me.

  3. I don't know, she looks pretty nervous. I don't think that's her bike. Stealing a bike in those shoes? She'll get what's coming to her.

  4. I think she's nervous because she sees me eying that damn Birkin. IMMA TAKE YER BAG, LADY.

  5. So jealous of the boots and the making it to sale! There was no way I could fit it in this week/weekend.

    A few days ago the bf and I saw some chick riding around the Fan on a bike, in a dress and heels. We just about died. She really looked like a moron.

  6. Damn! Wish I had known about this sale. I never know what's going on in the world. I wear a size 10 and would love to have more boots.

  7. If you're local, it's on until tomorrow night! Email me if you want details.

  8. Hi, it's me, your I-hate-shopping friend. Your description gave me the cold shivers.

    Just sayin.'

  9. Mary, you would've fainted dead away.

  10. The pic above is of Olivia Palermo - the NYC socialite/The City actress who "works" for Elle. I am sure it is a staged photo as the only thing Miss Olivia rides is her car service.


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