Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Marianne: Mellow Yellow

Todays outfit is a bit of a hodgepodge. I recently pulled this ancient denim shirt out of storage and thought I might as well start wearing it again since they seem to be all the rage. But, people. I do not care how hot the double denim look is right now. I live in a place where folks sport the "Texas Tuxedo" in a non-ironic manner and it is just NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

I found these cords last winter on super sale, probably because they are Ballpark Mustard Yellow. But I couldn't help myself, they fit perfectly and they are so much fun. For some reason, I consider them to be almost neutral. Nuts? Would you consider bright yellow corduroy pants to be a neutral? Maybe I need to pick some up in grey...

But anyway, you know what? I love my insane yellow cords, even though they do crazy things to my rear end.

Is this what Sisquo meant by Dumps Like A Truck? What?

scarf: Target (similar here)
tank: Target (similar here)
shirt: Gap (similar here)
cords: Gap (similar here)
flats: JCrew (similar here)


  1. If I found some cords that made my butt look like that, I'd buy them no matter what color they came in. I think those pants would be a great pick me up on a cold, dreary winter day.

  2. I'm gonna say I wish my butt would look that nice in pants! I'd wear bright yellow cords every day of the week.;)

  3. Oh dang, y'all are going to make me blush! Seriously I have junk in the TRUNK. Do not be fooled.

  4. So cute! Oh I hate that double denim trend!


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