Monday, May 19, 2014

Adrien: Pay It Forward.

I don't actually read many of the "big" style/fashion blogs because I prefer to see real outfits on people who I might be friends with. One of my very favorites is Blue Collar Red Lipstick because she's consistently adorable and relatable and her bag collection is kind of amazing. A little while ago she posted this Pay It Forward entry and I was lucky enough to be the winner! So freaking nice, you guys. This is a great dress:

(Sorry about the face, the sun was in my eyes.) This dress immediately seemed to just go with my wardrobe and it was a lovely treat, especially considering my new austerity measures. The close-ups show the pattern and colors better:

Just beautiful. Thank you, Adina! I liked this idea of hers so much that I've decided to do something similar here, I just haven't decided what the item will be yet. Stay tuned!


  1. It looks a-mah-zing on you! As soon as your name came out of the hat, the first thing I thought of was your new Marc Jacobs bag. I kid you not! I guess we're on the same bag wavelength ;)

  2. Thank you for the link to Blue Collar Red Lipstick--I just clicked over and read a whole bunch and love it!

  3. Gurrl, you look good from the front! That dress is gorgeous on you!


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