Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Review: TOMS Strappy Wedge.

Every spring I try to buy at least one awesome pair of versatile sandals or wedges with the idea of wearing the hell out of them all summer until everyone is heartily sick of seeing them. It's my gift. Last year I toyed with the idea of getting a pair of the TOMS Strappy Wedge, but I wanted them in an insane print. (I still kind of do?)

However, my current austerity measures forbid me from buying anything that isn't really versatile, so when I started shopping for them I decided to get a plain black pair. So austere! So practical! Then, I stumbled across the black metallic linen version:

Oooh, I know, right? They are kind of denim-y and subtly metallic and cooler than just plain ole black canvas. (They also come in neutral metallic linen and in a really excellent "mixed rope" style.)

I ordered them in my usual size and when they arrived I shoved them on and was a little worried, as they run slightly narrow. I hoped the straps would stretch a bit and they did - I wore them for an entire day right out of the box (and with a little Friction Block insurance) and they were completely comfortable all day. Miracle! Here is a weird Instagram photo that shows the metallic goodness:

I obviously haven't had them long enough to know how they'll hold up, but for now I'm pretty happy. I'll be wearing them in an outfit soon, so stay tuned. Also, I will be taking a razor to those giant blue labels on the back because they piss me off.


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who cuts the label off the back. WTF, TOM, don't you know that screws up the whole shoe?!

  2. I never thought to cut the label off! That's the only reason I haven't purchased a pair. When you do that, please show us how it looks!

    1. Will do! I just need to buy a straight razor blade or an X-Acto knife.

  3. So with you on the label! I want to see your results too because I have avoiding buying a pair because of the label.

    1. Ooh, this is sounding like a blog tutorial. The best part is that I've never done it before! Should be legit.

  4. I would use a seam ripper, maybe? Instead of the razor because I can see the razor going all accidentally wayward and slashing the gorgeous shoes. Or worse? your hands!

  5. My first thought was "cute... too bad about that blue label!" Am I the only one that thinks it looks like a tiny vanity license plate? So obnoxious. Glad we think alike on this very important matter.

  6. Hahaha... I usually don't read comments but today I jumped down to see what others thought about the TOMS label. I'll second the tutorial idea! I like the wedges but not the label. Would love to see how they turn out.

  7. I'm impressed you can wear those all day. I would have an epic foot cramp.

    Hopefully the tag isn't glued, as well as sewn on.


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