Thursday, May 1, 2014

Adrien: Summer Budget WAH WAH.

HEAVY SIGH. I've recently had a large and somewhat unexpected financial issue come up and it's forcing me to take a hard look at my spending. I need to save a big chunk of money this summer and there's no way around it. The two easiest ways to cut down spending for me:

- Stop eating out so much
- Stop buying so much shit I don't need

Uh, yeah. So I'm going to be doing both these things but this entry is really about the second one. For the next four months I'll be shopping within a pretty tight budget that will force me to really think through my purchases and separate want from need. This sounds like NO FUN AT ALL, but I think it'll be good for me to be super-accountable about what I'm buying and why.

My rules:

- A monthly style budget of $150 which includes beauty/makeup, clothes, shoes, accessories and pedicures. (It does not include hair appointments because that is non-negotiable.)
- Unspent budget can roll over to the next month.
- Selling something on the blog or eBay does NOT count as free style budget money.
- I'll be attempting to stick to my spring wishlist items and will be posting a summer update later today.
- I will definitely still be whining about stuff I want that I can't have, no worries there.

This starts today and I will do an entry at the end of each month with details of exactly what I bought and how much I spent. Hopefully this won't be too boring! What do you guys think?


  1. Yes. I'd love to see posts from someone also going through the throes of Summer Budget Hell. Yay, saving money. *side eye*

  2. I'm trying to do the same thing thanks to an unexpected medical bill. And wouldn't you know it, a damned Sephora opens up in my little town on Friday. UNCOOL.

  3. ooof... I need a little restraint too. I have a google doc set up where I put a list of all my purchases and how much it all costs so I can keep an eye on the spending. but I did go over in april :(

    I would love to hear what you do to keep it all in check. I need the help and inspiration.

    1. I am still trying to figure it out, but I think probably a google doc budget type thing. This is going to be tough.

  4. I feel your pain - really and truly - and I don't think this will be boring. Working with a small budget is an even greater style challenge and will hone your editing or creative accounting skills.

    After spending $1400 on my car this spring and buying my preteen an entire new wardrobe since she grew 3 inches overnight, I had to come to the realization the the No 6 clogs I have been eyeing for the last 4 months are not happening, but I was inspired by your clog post yesterday and splurged on some Moheda clogs yesterday - the Betty high heel in navy nubuck! I can't wait to clop around on the concrete floors in my office.

    1. Oh, yay, those are great! I have gotten SO much wear out of my clog sandals. I love them to bits.

  5. I share your pain, as I'm also working on a tight budget right now.

    Tears in my beer...

  6. I'm curious about this journey of yours. Every time I've had to go through this type of thing, it's been unexpectedly educational. Hope you'll write more about it.

  7. I think it's cool- and I think it will make you unexpectedly happy, too-
    There's no feeling like getting your wardrobe in order and shopping your own stash- and getting creative, and getting great deals. You find out what your real wardrobe workhorses are, too. (and where the real- not imagined- gaps in your wardrobe/beauty routine are, too)
    Whenever I'm in a period where I can't or shouldn't be buying stuff, I also tend to focus more on sports and overall health and wellness; the better my body and skin and hair are, the less stuff I need to feel or look good.
    (You might want to budget in a little bit of "tailoring/repairs/cobbler" however)
    Here's to being thrifty! Looking forward to reading about it!

    1. Yes, yes! I love all of this. I'm already realizing that I wear the same handful of things all the time anyway, so I need to be more creative about mixing up what I already have. It's gonna be a thrifty summer! But what better time to do it?

  8. My love of shopping as got me into hot water a few times so I'm trying to stick to a budget of 3% of my income this year. So far it's ok, but we'll see how it goes. I do love seeing how other people track and spend their budget. And the complaining about stuff you want and can't have, I like that too.

  9. Just found out the same yesterday. My summer will be tight on budget but high in freedom. Look forward to your posts.

    Anyway I'm always more interested in new styling than new stuff in mags and on blogs.

  10. I love budget-y posts! I can't wait to see yours.
    I'm also on a tight budget until I'm done with my mat leave, so I feel your pain. Of course, a new season is just around the corner, and I need a million things. Need, I tell you!

  11. Great! Being part time this year has forced me to realize that I already do have a lot of nice clothes and should be wearing more of them in more creative combinations. Saying "do I want or need this" when shoping has helped me put things down and I find it makes me proud i can say no to my shopaholic tendancies. It makes clothes we do need all the sweeter to buy finally.

  12. I've unexpectedly had to save some money too, so since September I've had to make some serious budget cuts. I thought it would be really hard and miserable but actually I quite like it. It forced me to stop buying lots of cheap things I don't need, that I would wear twice and then forget about. Instead, I made a list of items I needed, bought reasonably good quality versions of them that I love and get a lot of wear out of, and that was it, no other major purchases all season. I'm doing the same for spring/summer.
    Good luck with your summer budget!

  13. How much would you guess you had been spending in this category before? To me, $150 per month sounds nice, but I am broke and have all these damn kids stealing my riches. Not judging at all, just curious. Good luck! You can do it!

    1. That is a really good question! I honestly wish I had a good answer but judging by how much of my May budget I've spent already? More than $150. (But probably not a ton more.)


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