Friday, December 18, 2015

Cute Boy Friday: Justin Theroux.

Heyyyy, a reader suggested maybe Justin Theroux and I was all, OMG WHY HASN'T THAT HAPPENED. Is anyone in charge around here? He's kind of an odd bird but he's from my general neck of the woods and my God, this is his face:

NOT TOO BAD. Plus, I generally really like his personal style...

Though... he seems to be wearing Jennifer Aniston's t-shirt here:

But who cares because arms and oh my sweet baby Jesus:

What? What was I saying? I've completely lost my train of thought.



  1. Your Friday posts are always excellent fodder for my Hubba Hubba Pinterest board.

  2. There's a dad at my kid's elementary school who looks like this guy. Double-take!

  3. Delurking because there is another cute boy you *need* in your Friday: Ragnar Lothbrok.

    Ok ok, real name Travis Fimmel BUT way hotter in all his Viking furry, dirty, fancy French-braided sartorial perfection.

  4. [whispers]Actually, I said Justin TRUDEAU.[/whispers]

    1. You should see my face right now. (HE IS ON MY LIST, I SWEAR.)


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