Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Gift Guide: You're So Pretty!

Did anyone listen to this episode of TAL? The opening story about how high school girls have a sort of code regarding commenting/liking each other's selfies just cracked me up. OMG YOU'RE SO PRETTY. I JUST WANT TO PUNCH MYSELF IN THE FACE. Which, brings me to how I feel about Christmas shopping in general. You are pretty and I do want to punch myself in the face.

However, I really enjoy discovering and buying fun beauty gifts because it sure beats going to three different department stores to try to find the super-specific socks your mother wants. For instance, have you seen the ridiculous TonyMoly stuff?

Panda's Dream Brightening Eye Base

And these:

Juicy Lip Gloss Bar

Eep! Eeee! So stupid and so adorable. And who wouldn't be charmed by a night cream packaged in a little pink pig?

Pure Farm Pig Collagen Sleeping Pack

No? You are a monster. I also love the Too Cool for School stuff because...dinosaurs:

Dinoplatz Lip Balm

And this is so freaking good:

Dinoplatz Dear Brachiosaurus Blotting Paper

That is just the damn cutest thing ever and I'd be delighted to pull it out of my fancy purse all, "What?" If you are not regressing and require fancier stuff I think this Bésame lipstick set has the prettiest vintage packaging:

Bésame Cosmetics Lipstick & Matchbook Set

So lady-like! If you have to buy a really nice gift for a lady who likes non-traditional things, I am going to strongly suggest this Jo Malone set:

Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt Collection

I generally dislike most fancy perfume (too strong/sweet/musky/overpowering) but the Wood Sage & Sea Salt is unlike anything I've ever come across. It's a unisex fragrance that's gently woodsy and a little salty but very clean and subtle. I also really love Nutmeg & Ginger. You can't go wrong with Jo Malone

Finally, if you have that person you don't know what to buy, you can never go wrong with these two things. First, Kiehl's Coriander body cleanser is just the greatest. It smells amazing and they also have cute little gift sets with the hand soap version:

Kiehl's is a good gift

Second,  this shea butter hand cream from L'Occitane which is an old favorite of mine:

L'OCCITANE Shea Butter Hand Cream

Your mother in law will love it. They have a bunch of nice gift sets but you also can't go wrong with just the hand cream.  So, I think that will do it. Excuse me while I go curl up in a dark corner and drink bourbon straight from the bottle. Happy holidays. 


  1. Love Jo Malone's wood sage and sea salt too!

  2. I'm really upset that no one in my life has bought me that panda eye base.

  3. I bought a bunch of TonyMoly "I'm Real!" sheet masks for my nieces. But I have to admit I kept some for myself as well. They are too young for eye base! Heck, they are probably too young for sheet masks ...

  4. Late in reading this, but had to say: I loved that TAL segment because it is EXACTLY how my teen daughter and her friends do talk to one another on IG. PS Also she has pinned two out of three of those cutie animal cosmetic things as must haves.


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