Monday, April 3, 2017

Adrien: My No-Buy Month.

So, I tried not to make a big deal out of not shopping in March but that was my goal. The rules I set for myself were thus: I could spend "free" money on things (referral credits, a rebate, eBay sales) but I wasn't going to spend any of my paycheck on unnecessary things.

How did I do? Well, not that great, to be honest. I did buy a few things with "free" money but I also bought a few things that were definitely not within my guidelines. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a really good sale and sometimes shit happens. (But, I'm going to try, try again in April because I'm  disappointed in my lack of discipline.)

So, what did I buy? First, with Spring credits (my referral link gets you $20 off your first order and I also get $20. Thanks to those of you who used my link!) I bought a Diptyque candle to see what all the fuss was about:

I haven't received it yet but I did go to Nordstrom and sniff them to see if they are worth the hype. I think they probably are, but it's definitely the kind of splurge I'd only make with free money. It is really nice to get something completely frivolous now and then, right?

I also received a rebate in the form of a virtual credit card so I used it for some online shopping. I bought my favorite Sunday Riley moisturizer which I'd been out of for a few weeks:

and I used my Sephora points to get a bunch of samples as well! Hooray. I used the rest of the rebat to buy a new sport bra from Lululemon because my favorite style was on sale and my old ones are looking pretty sad:

Exciting stuff, right? Now, what else did I buy? Well, Athleta had an extra 20% off sale going on so I bought a few things I'd been wanting to try, almost all of which I returned. I did keep this pair of running shorts:

Annnnd, I also fell prey to the recent Gap sale and bought this dress:

I'm pretty sure that karma will make sure it does not fit me, but hey, it was Friday and 50% off and ugh. I'm not proud of it.

Finally, I bought one of the NYX Micro Brow pencils (which is seriously just as good as that Trish McEvoy Precision Brow Shaper which I've already used up. I'm still mad about it.) Unfortunately the color I chose in the NYX pencil was a bit too red so I bought a different one from L'Oreal which is slightly too dark. Obviously I texted Marianne about it:

A: I have a really important question.

M: Okay

A: I bought two eyebrow pencils.

A: One is "auburn"

A: The other is "brunette"

A: Related: I hate myself.

M: Haha what's the question.

A: The question was going to be: is the auburn too orange but now I think they both look exactly the same.

M: I like the brunette slightly more.

M: Because I feel like your eyebrows shouldn't 100% match your hair.

A: This is why you're my favorite.

A: It's creepy that I made the exact stupid face in both photos.

Solution: I use them together which is not high maintenance at all. Shut up.

Anyway, so yeah. Not that great for a no-buy month! I'm going to try a bit harder this month and will dutifully report back. I'm also going to try not to think about those copper Birkenstocks that I totally don't want at all. Nope.


  1. I have to tell you how much I love your blog, it seriously makes my day when I read your posts! Your friendship with Marianne is super cute and your face isn't creepy at all haha


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