Thursday, April 20, 2017

Stuff I Like: Springtime + Watching/Reading/Listening

OH MY GOD IT'S SPRINGTIME. I love summer the best but spring is summer's sprightly cousin and it's amazing how much my mood has lifted now that it stays light later and the trees are all fluffy with new leaves. Obviously I'm not crazy about the pollen or the mosquitoes but I am really liking: bare legs, blooming azaleas, mountain biking with friends until the sun sets, stalking baby turtles and ducklings, La Croix cocktails, long walks without wearing a coat, ridiculously good locally made ice cream sandwiches and honeysuckle! The honeysuckle is starting to bloom. Yay spring.

I'm not watching anything new right now, but excellent new stuff is coming: Catastrophe season 3 starts April 28th! Master of None season 2 and Kimmy Schmidt season 3 both coming in May! Yay! Definitely looking forward to all of those. Also, Better Things season 2 is filming now, so I'm going to assume it'll be available in the fall? It was my favorite new show and I highly recommend it.

I'm still reading Coming Home (it's long) so instead of a book I thought I'd talk about a few blogs I like. I don't actually read many fashion blogs anymore and when I did it was usually smaller blogs, not the super-popular, curated fancy ones. My favorite is Girls of a Certain Age because Kim France is the best. Back in the day I was an avid reader of Sassy and Lucky and definitely wore my Kim France Pants. Kim somehow manages to be cool, comfortably stylish, and relatable in a way that's still aspirational. She makes you feel like she's your cool NYC friend that you've known forever. Most importantly, she writes for people my age, which is so rare. I get her references! We are relevant!

I'm also really fond of Grechen's Closet which I've been reading for as long as I remember. Grechen's style and mine are very different but I really like her voice and total lack of pretense. And, her photo-bombing dog is ridiculously cute. Plus, she is an awesome provider of coupon codes. Thank you, Grechen!

One of my favorite podcasts, the one I look forward to every week, is Girls Gone WOD. I started listening to it when I got into CrossFit and I kept listening even after taking a break from CrossFit. I promise you don't have to be into CrossFit to enjoy listening to Joy and Claire. They talk about all manner of things - Mean Girls, food, boys, dogs, babies, makeup, fashion, working out, fitting it all in. Their personalities compliment each other rather than competing and they're very relatable. I tend to like the "just Joy and Claire" episodes better than when they interview someone, but I've listened to almost all of them.

That's it for this week! As always, please let me know if you have suggestions, recommendations, etc.


  1. my boyfriend and i were just in richmond this passed weekend checking out the trails... and we totally hit up that particular one while waiting to check in to our airbnb place! :D

    1. Oh how cool! I hope y'all had a good time - the weather was beautiful.


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