Monday, November 5, 2018

We Discuss: Our Usual Shopping Ennui.

M: I keep wanting a blazer but blazers don’t really work on my body. My friend Natalie has, and loves, this. I’m tempted:

A: I really love that. The best of both worlds!

A: Related, I am wearing my J.Crew Going Out blazer today and I don’t hate it.

M: You look great in blazers! I do not.

A: I look okay in them but I generally find structured things uncomfortable. This one has some stretch.

A: But! I think you can totally pull off a blazer, you just have to find the right one.

M: I think it would require tailoring to find one that fits in the shoulders and my hips. It’s too hard.

A: Boooo

M: Okay I know I said I can’t wear regular blazers but I love this:

A: I think its funny that you laughed at me over my 90s plaid pants but you want the oversized plaid blazer I wore in high school. 

M: Hahaha

M: I was thinking it was very Megan Markle.

A: I seriously had one just like that - thrifted from the men’s department of the Salvation Army.

M: Whoa Gap is 40% off.

A: Damn! I might need these:

M: They also have the blazer it in a solid black ponte.

A: I actually really like the plaid, I was just giving you shit.

M: Deserved!

M: The longer length might work better for me.

M: Berg my size is backordered until mid December. Thumbs down.


M: Ugh I had a whole order and just closed the window.

A: I’ve been doing that a lot lately. I really do need a few new pairs of cozy around-the-house sweatpants but don’t want to spend actual real money on them.

M: I have ennui.

A: I keep filling carts and abandoning them.

M: yup

(later that day...)

A: Ugh, just ordered two pairs of french terry joggers from the Gap.

M: Hahaha

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