Monday, September 12, 2011

Marianne: Last week it was summer.

I took an unplanned week off from the blog last week, for multiple boring reasons, but I didn't stop taking pictures. And so, I have a backlog of outfits, including these from not even two weeks ago. Explain to me how it turned to fall extra quickly this year? Because I want another two weeks of pool time, please. Both of these outfits are already seasonally inappropriate. SIGH.
Yeah, hers is seasonally inappropriate, too. It was perfect for a barbeque just days ago, I swear.
So, how is the weather where you are? Is it unseasonably cool? Blazing hot? Are your feet completely unprepared for real shoes? Talk to me, I have missed you. Even the meanies.


  1. Our weather has been all over the place in WI. 60's and 60's a couple weeks ago and this weekend it was in the 80's and I'm sunburned! Today it's suppose to be near 90 and then cool back down. Makes dressing very difficult!!

  2. It's definitely cooler here -- thank God. But it still gets in the upper 80s during the day, so I'd probably still wear both of those outfits, but just toss a denim jacket or a cardigan over them for the cooler mornings.

  3. It has been super nice here in the windy city. The weekend was glorious. Today in upper 80s but will drop to low 70s tomorrow, then down to the 60s the rest of the week. I was in a lacy tank top yesterday. Soon the cardigans will come out. Sigh.

  4. 70s this week in Boston and promises of 60s by the weekend. I pretty much hate summer, so this is wonderful news for me. Bring on the boots and sweaters!

  5. it was sweater weather in atlanta last week and now that it's warm again, the pools are closed (boo!). summer > fall

  6. Anon, that just stinks, I sympathize! And yes, this is confusing weather. Downright chilly in the mornings and sweltering by late afternoon.

  7. It's freaking 100 again here in the Dallas area. 80s last week were a cruel tease.
    More importantly, talk about those shoes in the first picture!

  8. Charli, Texas has been unlivable this summer! The shoes are super old, I think 3-4 years, from Aerosoles. Sorry that isn't much help!


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