Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Marianne: Dancing Shoes.

This dress is great, but I feel like I am constantly struggling with how to winterize it. The sleeve detail means shoving a lot of fabric under a cardigan, as evidenced below.
Okay, not that obvious, but it felt all bunchy and wrong. Do you have any dresses that you can't wear a cardigan or jacket over? Do you just relegate them to your summer wardrobe, or what? Most importantly, do these look like ballroom dancing shoes? They do, don't they.
dress: BCBG via consignment (similar color and print here)
cardigan: J. Crew (similar here)
shoes: Frye Lisa T-Straps (similar here)


  1. Did you use a flash on the Frye Lisas? Mine are pretty dull in color and the more you wear them, flecks will rub off and make them look worn in a really great way. You know how girls wearing lots of shimmery eye shadow doing the walk of shame look sparkly,worn out and just miserable? The shoes are just the opposite!

  2. HA! I did use a flash, but mine are still pretty sparkly, maybe because I don't wear them that much?

  3. It's cute, but I'd relegate it. This year is the first I've packed my spring/summer stuff away (I live in a mild climate), and it has helped so much! I don't stand in front of the closet as long searching through spring dresses I think I'll winterize (I won't). Hope that helps!

  4. I'm thinking a marigold colored cardy might look cute with this. (see that painting it is REACHING out for those blues) maybe a drapier one would fit the sleeves better for ya.

  5. I very much like this dress. I also commiserate with your sleeve layering dilemma. I have so many dresses that I love with poofed or otherwise drapey sleeves making them look weird and bulky under most cardigans. I don't think this looks bulky though so you've made it work.

    I have contemplated getting sleeves tailored to be poofless many times. But I dunno how expensive it would be and whether I should just sell the dresses on ebay instead.

  6. Honestly, the pleated sleeves on this dress are the best part, so I think it's better off being saved for summer and the random warm fall or spring day. Though I might give it one more try with a mustardy cardigan I have with drapier sleeves, that's an idea!

  7. Been following your blog for a while, and have to say I love everything about it :-) Especially your friendship. This post finally prompted me to comment though, because I've recently been "winterizing" dresses not unlike this with turtlenecks and tight fitting long sleeve tees in neutral or contrasting colors, and matching tights. It doesn't work with every dress, but sometimes I think it looks pretty darn cute! And better than a cardigan, especially with the sleeve scrunching issue. Also, corduroy blazers from H&M :-)

  8. You know, when I first got it, that was what I tried. Maybe I should revisit that idea:


  9. A blazer may stand up the extra sleeve fabric better than a cardigan. It makes a slightly more formal outfit, but a black blazer with the sleeves pushed up would look great here.


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