Thursday, October 6, 2011

Schaden Broeken.

image: the Sartorialist

A: "Hi, is this Triple A? I have a wardrobe breakdown and need a tow."

M: "Yeah, I'm over here next to my scooter. I'm wearing...a cropped pajama top?" Oh for the love of CHRIST.

A: "I lost my pajama bottoms back on the highway so I'm wearing a pair of jeans I borrowed from a trucker. And apparently I'm using rope as a belt? What? YEAH I NEED HELP."

M: "All I'm saying is you'll know me as the girl that can't stand facing uphill because I will just fall right down."

A: I'm pretty sure this photo has nothing at all to do with the SHobbit's super integrity-filled collaboration with Levi's. WAY TO SELL IT, DUDE.

M: Holy shit, he totally turned her to show off the label! INTEGRITY!

A: ...And then apparently drove off and left her by the side of the road.

M: He probably took the jeans back, too. I hope he returned her pajama bottoms.

A: No way those are his jeans, look how long they are!

M: Oh, duh.

A: I'm so confused by her boots. Did she mean to wear those? On purpose? Wait, are they wooden ice skates?

M: We're full on Hans Brinker up in here!

A: YES. I think maybe we weren't looking at it from a...Dutch perspective. Or something.

M: So we're landing somewhere in between these two:

A: Um, I think I'm late for something.

M: Don't LEAVE ME with them!


M: Before you go, could you stick your finger in this dike for me? ADRIEN COME BACK THIS INSTANT.

A: Goedenavond!

M: U bent geschoten!


  1. Love it. =D Thanks for the laugh, ladies.

  2. "All I'm saying is you'll know me as the girl that can't stand facing uphill because I will just fall right down."

    --- A+!


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