Thursday, October 6, 2011

Marianne: Junior Fashion Blogger.

I know it's a little obnoxious, this post. I hope it won't run you off. But the kiddo put together her outfit and then ran to my photo place and I CANNOT DENY THIS FACE.
So we tried some poses. Here we have "Turn to the side, walk nowhere."
"Laughing at nothing. I am alone."
"Looking at my shoes." (she took this one really literally)
"Blue Steel."


  1. Man, that last photo, in particular, kills me. That is one adorable kid. And hey, I LIKE HER OUTFIT!!

    Bright future as a fashion blogger ahead for that one.


  2. Miss Lu! I love her Blue Steel.

  3. Super adorable! Who can resist that face!? Not moi. She is rocking that outfit!

  4. OMG SQUEEEE! She is so cute! How could we get run off by her? Love her outfit... and the blue steel!

  5. That is TOO funny. I especially love the "laughing at nothing, I am alone" pose. What an adorable little lady!

  6. Awesome. Her way of putting together prints is inspired.

  7. Hahahahaha. I laughed for a minute straight. This is quite possibly the cutest thing on earth. Wow :)

  8. Who could deny that face? I love it!

  9. Oh my goodness. Her blue steel is phenomenal.

  10. Thanks, guys. I am pretty much a huge fan.

  11. I was super tired and grouchy from getting up early this morning, but OMG I cannot stay grouchy after looking at these. She's one beautiful, funny little girl.

  12. ha ha..great print mixing AND monochromatic dressing...

    I think I need to adopt that first blank uncertainty pose- I definitely could never hope to recreate the startling directness of blue steel!

  13. LOVE. I'm so glad to be one of her "ladies" and have had the fun of picking out clothing for the day with her input!

  14. She does pattern mixing better than I do!

    SO CUTE!!


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