Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Cheap 'n Cheerful

My very lovely Crossfit buddy Christine posted something on her Instagram account last week that I really liked:

Winter cold feels cruel to me and casts everything in gloom and grey. I employ mind tricks to keep things interesting, one of them being a bright lip color. Does it seem silly? I don't know: I see it as the difference between walking by a ghostly and pallid face in the mirror and thinking, "C'mon, you old turkey, a few more hours until bed" ...and glimpsing bright pink lip and thinking, "Oh! She has places to go and things to do! What's next?" Also, I'm reading this terrific book about creative living and there is a part in there about how getting gussied up may help attract ideas and inspiration to you when you are feeling particularly discouraged or blocked, and I think there is something to that.  
I like a bunch of lip aids, but one of my favorites these days is these Wet n Wild Balm Stain Moisturizing Lip Color, partly because they are only $3: they do the job and don't make me feel terrible if I misplace it. 

Well! You don't have to tell me twice. I scrambled right out to the drug store and picked up two of the Wet n Wild Balm Stain Moisturizing Lip Colors. My initial instinct is always to go with the plummy color "Lady and the Vamp" (which I did) but I also bought a bright pink called "A Stiff Pink" because it looks so cute on Christine.

I tried the pink first and it looked really good...and then it went kind of fuchsia on me which is an issue I often have with pinks. I don't know if it's my lip pigment or a chemical thing, but it was REAL bright. I kind of liked it though. I layered the plum color over it and had a very intense, bright lip all day. And hey, $3 a pop! Plus, the cap snaps on so it won't come loose in your bag. It's the perfect cheap 'n cheerful pick-me-up on a cold winter day.

I'm really into layering lip colors to make my own shade (Clinique Super Strawberry is a great base for this) so this morning I layered my Honest Beauty lip crayon in Mulberry Kiss over Lady and the Vamp and here's what I got:

Instantly more cheerful. It's all about a bright lip to keep your spirits up through winter.


  1. I am in love with that Honest Beauty Mulberry Kiss lip crayon - so glad Rachel Zoe included it in the Winter Box of Style!

  2. I've been using the Burt's Bees Lip Crayon - it has great colour and it's one of the only lip crayons that doesn't dry the heck out of my lips, which is super important in the winter when everything is already dry... I don't think I've seen Wet & Wild with a Lip Crayon here in Canada yet, but I'll have to keep my eye out.

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  4. Gorgeous and I LOVE the hair! Terrific!

  5. I have this same issue with lip colors- pinks going fuschia. I also tend to have the issue with organic lip colors (burts bees was a major offender) that they end up looking orange on me. Why does this happen?? I want some science-y make-up person to come explain this to us.

  6. Have you tried the FLower Sheer Up Lip Tint by Drew Barrymore? I love the Lacy Laurel (which is a peachy pink, and there's another lighter pink that I wear. I have the same issue you do with pinks all tending toward fuschia on me. But these are true to color and are very moisturizing. They are not a stain, so they don't last all day, but they are one of my favorites, and I think I've tried a bazillion different lip products.


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