Friday, January 22, 2016

Cute Boy Friday: Humor Me.

There is a blizzard headed my way, so I'm hunkered down with my computer and a lot of snacks. Maybe you are too? So, with that in mind I'm going to give you a little bit of cute boy entertainment. Two of my favorite guys have teamed up and made a surprise album:

Isn't it cute how they make Iggy Pop look taller than Josh Homme? Heh. Here's a video (thanks, Melissa!):

And a very funny bromancey interview that I've already watched twice:

So cute! I'm excited about this. Now, I'm sure most of you don't think about Iggy Pop as a cute boy but he's charming as hell and don't forget he used to look like this:

Hee! Maybe that's not selling it but I love him. And, um, this is also not a terrible face:

Happy Friday, kids!


  1. I would very much like Iggy Pop to write me prose poetry.
    Did you see this lovely interview with Iggy about David Bowie?

    He also said, in a statement after Bowie died, that "David’s friendship was the light of my life". That's a lovely thing to say.


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