Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Japanese Sunscreens Are The Best.

I know I've talked about my favorite Japanese sunscreen a few times before. I've been using Shiseido Senka Aging Care UV sunscreen for a while now and liking it very much. However, this summer I started developing rosacea out of nowhere (yay for being in my 40s!) and had some bad reactions to the sun. I realized that I was using the same sunscreen for everything - everyday, pool, outdoor workouts and that I might need to switch things up. With the aid of this excellent sunscreen comparison chart, I found a few more options and ordered:

Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence
This one is pretty close to the Senka sunscreen (both are chemical sunscreens with a gel consistency) but has a slightly different formula and contains Hyaluronic acid, which I like. It's meant for everyday use and works well under makeup.

Biore Uv Perfect Face Milk Spf50
This one arrived a few days ago and I love it! It's a little bottle that you have to shake up and contains both physical and chemical sunblock ingredients. It's really great under makeup and feels like a primer going on and leaves a slightly matte finish. I got no white cast from it but YMMV.

ROHTO Skin Aqua Super Moisture Milk
This one just arrived last night! I specifically bought it to wear on the days that I do long outdoor rides since it's waterproof and specifically meant for outside/sport use. That said, I put it on this morning and it works just fine under makeup. Definitely good for everyday use as well. It contains both physical and chemical ingredients and has no alcohol, which I especially like.

None of these are over $10 and all of them are far superior to any of the U.S. brands I've tried. They're just much more cosmetically elegant than anything made here. Check out the chart if you want to try one but don't know where to start!


  1. Thank you for this! I've been wanting to try a new sunscreen and these sound great!

  2. Although I never have used Japanese sun screens, however, reading your post, it feels that I should use these sun screens to maintain my skin.

  3. And none of them effected your rosacea?

    1. No bad reactions, but I haven't had a flare-up of rosacea since mid-July. I don't know if it's in remission or if my diet has helped or what.


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