Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Adrien: Numbers

So, I read this entry over at My Milk Glass Heart and I'll admit I was a little shocked by the numbers in the photo:

As Lara points out, she is a stylist, but 75 bags? That is a lot of bags. I can't even imagine. I like to keep my inventory in my head and if I had that many bags I'd forget about some of them and that just seems... careless. And sort of, I don't know, gluttonous?

To be fair, if I had a bigger budget (and a bigger closet) I'd probably have a lot more of everything. I mean, I like stuff a lot and I'd like to have more. I tend to run a tight ship out of neccessity. But, it got me thinking about my own numbers. How tight is my ship, really? How much do I have that I'm not even remembering I have? So, I decided to do two lists. One from memory and one where I actually count my crap.

(Also, I love that "striped tops" is a category.)

So, from memory:

watches: 4
jackets: 7
shoes/boots: 30
dresses: 15
costume jewelry: 20
evening dresses: 1
knitwear: 20
trousers: 8
jeans: 5
coats: 7
bags: 10
swimwear: 3
t-shirts: 25
striped tops: 7


watches: 4
jackets: 8
shoes/boots: 31
dresses: 17
costume jewelry: 20
evening dresses: 1
knitwear: 24
trousers: 8
jeans: 5
coats: 8
bags: 11
swimwear: 3
t-shirts: 26
striped tops: 9

(Note: For shoes I didn't include workout sneakers/bike shoes because they aren't FUN shoes. And in the t-shirt category I didn't count the gross ones I wear to sleep in.)

So, really, not bad! The inventory in my head is actually pretty close to reality... as long as you don't include the summer stuff I have put away and totally didn't remember until just this second. Crap.


  1. This would be really fun to do! Maybe I should since it's a snow day. I would guess that I have at least 100 dresses, maybe 20 of which are evening dresses? But then I have two pairs of pants, 3 sweaters, and zero tops other than loungewear tees.

    400 pairs of shoes is insane!!

  2. You have 20 evening dresses? I clearly do not go out enough. Dang.

  3. My bete noire category would be "cute little girlie blouses", of which I have teh many. On the other hand, I have less than 10% of the shoes and bags that Tabitha has.

    Maybe I'll post an inventory. Hmm. I'm a little afraid that it would make me look like a Bad Person though.

  4. Love that you did this! I don't think your numbers are bad at all! My jeans count was high but I wear them ALL the time. And skirts! Where are you skirts? I totally counted all my grungy sleep tees.

    My closet is soooo tiny. I had 14' of closet space before I moved in with the bf. It's easier to be lenient with purges when you have lots of space to work with.

  5. I was strictly going by the list in that article, so apparently skirts don't count? I didn't count mine! I'd have SO MANY more pairs of jeans if I could legitimately wear them to work. I love jeans.

  6. I had to add some stuff to the list since the categories were kinda odd. SO you only did winter work stuff? Hahah! No fair!

  7. I am really impressed by how close you got to your actual numbers! That's a good memory. I'd be terrified to even try this experiment, which just shows how desperately I need to take stock of what I really own.

  8. Oh my. I'm shocked by your modest numbers. I've been OD'ing on jeans lately and I'm certain I've bought more than 5 in the last two months. Eep. But I covet your shoe/boot collection...


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