Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Adrien: Fryed.

Okay, so I bought those teal Frye Maya pumps because at half off (at I couldn't resist any longer. I'd wanted them for a year! And here they are (please excuse my sad toes):

Cute, right? But here's the thing, I'm not a big wearer of peep toes and I find them a little hard to walk in. Basically it feels like my feet slide forward and just keep going. I was thinking about getting some of those instep pad thingys to see if that would solve the problem, but there's another voice in my brain reminding me that every time I've tried to make a pair of shoes work, they don't.

Suggestions? Should I just weep bitter tears and return them?


  1. You can buy ball of foot pads for like $4 for 2 pair at WalMart that don't use sticky glue. I suggest trying those before you decide to return the shoes or not, since the lack of glue won't mess up the shoe if you want to send em back. They are really cute and a great quality brand.

  2. Those pads are amazing. It sounds like the shoe might be a little big for you in which case I recommend the pads that go right behind your heel. They have totally saved a couple pairs for me!

  3. If they're comfortable in every other way, this is a super easy fix.

    I absolutely swear by these for my highest heels. My old shoe repair guy used to sell them and now I can only find them online. They're from Germany and they're fantastic!

    and here for just one pair:

    Foot Petals are cheaper and won't make your feet sweat like the gel ones.

  4. They are really cute and I love the color. I have the same issue with peep toes (darn skinny heels, my only skinny part sadly). I would try with nonsticky pads and see if they work. I love the shoe style, but if you won't wear them and the pads don't do the trick, return and find some you will love to wear.

  5. I definitely don't think they're too big, I think the open-toe style just encourages my toes to keep trying to get free. Lara, those pads look amazing! If I keep them I'll definitely invest in a pair.

  6. They are gorgeous - keep them and make them work! (Unless they're a size 10; in that case send them to me.)

  7. Love love the color! I'm jealous--and no, ASuburbanLife, I get the 10s! LOL :-)

  8. Ladies! They are a size 8, so NOBODY GETS THEM.

  9. Love them!..Keep them if you can and I would def. try the pads to make them work if slipping is the only issue that you're having :-)

  10. Have been coveting these same shoes for ages - and was waiting to hear your take on them... did you buy your true size? I'd try to make them work - they are ahhhhhhhhmazing....


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