Monday, March 28, 2011

Marianne: Bags.

It happens every spring. I go all winter pretty content with my limited bag collection, and then spring hits and I lose my mind a little.

It all started with this:
Which kinda sorta reminded me of my much coveted Mullberry Alexa, except, you know, almost affordable.
Mulberry at ShopStyle
Also in the kinda sorta range is the Minkoff Beloved:
Rebecca Minkoff at ShopStyle
But then things went off the rails because I found THIS. And THIS (The Proenza Schouler PS1) made me fall flat on my face and say curse words because IT IS EVEN MORE THAN THE ALEXA DAMN IT ALL TO HELL.
Proenza Schouler at ShopStyle
So I tried to reign myself in. A friend has the Minkoff Admirer, and it's really nice. A great size, a nice neutral color. BUT who wants neutral when you can have an insane yellow bag that costs a mortgage payment?
Rebecca Minkoff at ShopStyle
And then there is the dadgum Marc Jacobs Petal To The Metal Natasha, which I have stupid loved since the moment I laid eyes on it. And I still love it, even though birds are passe and it's really hard to find.
Marc by Marc Jacobs at ShopStyle
Sigh. So many pretty bags. Wanty want want want.

P.S. If you'd like to score a ridiculous deal on some really pretty bags yourself, mosey on over here.


  1. The PS1 and the Alexa are killing me right now. Love that yellow!

    You could always try to find one at Target. Mossimo is ripping off the PS1!

  2. I think I'll just covet from afar. I never feel happy with knockoffs!

  3. I don't either, the whole target thing is hilarious though, considering the colabs they've done with PS.
    Have you checked out the Cambridge Satchel Comapny? They have smaller 11" sizes and they make that bright yellow! Waaaaay more affordable.

  4. I would love the PS1 in yellow. LOVE>

  5. Sigh. That Mulberry bag catches my eye every single time I see one. I was going to tell you about the Target knockoff, but Lara got there first! Sadly, they don't come in yellow.


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