Sunday, March 27, 2011

Marianne: Bad Hair.

I'm burying this on a Sunday, because this is really just for Adrien, who thinks that I was kidding when I tweeted that I could never live at the beach because my hair looks so terrible there.

This was MILD.
In this picture I'm trying to explain just HOW big it gets.
So now you see why I ended up with my hair in braids.


  1. Oh, it's not so bad. I was expecting something like Monica's hair from the Friends episode in Barbados:

  2. Em, ha! MA, I still want your hair despite its beach unruliness.

  3. Just a suggestion, you should try a Brazilian Keratin Treatment! It would work wonders for your hair!

  4. I know you will never believe this, but I wake up every morning WISHING my hair would do what yours does. All us boring straight-hairs do.

  5. What products do you use?
    I dye the hell out of my hair so it gets really dry. My favorite conditioner in the world is the Neutrogena Triple Moisture Mask. I think it would be great with your hair!|B00027CDYM&CPNG=health%20beauty&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=B00027CDYM&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001

  6. Emily, like Monica's, my hair just gets BIGGER. And Lara, this is really only a problem at the beach. My hair is easily controlled at home!

  7. The beach does crazy things to hair! It always looks great to me, even in these pics!


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