Monday, July 29, 2013

Marianne: Joe Fresh.

If you've had a baby before, you probably know about how I'm feeling, 7 weeks post partum. Most of my clothes don't fit right (I only have about 10 pounds left to lose, but my hips and ribcage are still all stretched out), and I'm SO TIRED of what does fit. It can get depressing to hate your clothes when you like clothes as much as I do. And so, I decided to treat myself to a cheap new outfit. Enter Joe Fresh. I finally drug myself to JCPenny to check out this line and I have to say, there are some really cute pieces and the price is right. I picked up this t-shirt and y'all. This Joe Fresh Twist-Back Tee is a perfect t-shirt and it's less than $9. Click through to see the cute detail in the back. It's perfectly drapey and comfortable and I need about 10 more.

To go with the perfect t-shirt I picked up a pair of printed shorts for under $17. I sized up (in addition to the size larger I already am), to get a bit more length, but these are super comfortable thanks to the discreet elastic in the back of the waistband. They are also really lightweight in the heat of summer, and the print is adorable (it also comes in red!).

I haven't been posting many outfits because I'm mostly in comfy house clothes and honestly I'm not loving the way I look in photos right now. But here's an outfit shot with a cute baby for distraction:

Have you tried any of the Joe Fresh line? I want to go back to try on more once I've lost the baby weight.


  1. you look lovely!! thanks for posting a picture even though I know it's not always easy. It's good to see real people pregnant and post partum! hi baby!!

  2. Oh honey, I hear ya! 2 1/2 months post partum over here and I hate everything right now. Nothing fits right, my non-nursing friendly stuff has been shoved to the back of my closet (wahh!) and most of my nursing friendly stuff makes me feel dumpty-dump. I've spent most of this summer ordering stuff and sending it right back. So depressing.

    So glad you found something to feel good in!! That is a win-win in my book.

    Hang in there!!

    (BTW, the JCrew striped shirt I bought from you is da bomb. Feels great, fits great, nursing friendly--one of the few things I bought this summer that I love! Thanks!!)

  3. You and bebe are gorgeous. We stopped at one child and I still get misty eyed when I see a newborn. And you really do look healthy and glowing and perfect. Post-partum women shouldn't look any better than this!

  4. I haven't checked it out but I've been tempted. After seeing your review I might pick up a few things for next summer. Those prices are fantastic!

  5. You look great!

    I bought this Joe Fresh dress a few months back and I love it:

  6. Yes! I thought Joe Fresh was just in Canada. I have a printed maxi dress, sports bra and printed skirt from there.

  7. PERFECT! You and you little one are super cute. Love you for the tips. I'm 12 weeks PP and having the same issues. Now I can try to figure out the right sizes online; no way am I making it in store with my toddler and 3 month old twins and actually getting something on my body.

  8. Oh you look so gorgeous, and the baby - cutest. ever. And I'm only seeing the back of his head!

  9. I have some great stuff from Joe Fresh that I got years ago when I still lived in Canada. I'd always go scour the sale racks when I went home for the holidays. I haven't checked them out in JCP yet, but those shorts are great!

  10. This post is one of the MANY reasons why I love this blog. You're so effing real. p.s. Babies are the best and you look fantastic (:


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