Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Adrien: Be Honest.

Okay, I know you guys will be honest with me (especially since there was no hesitation in telling me you don't like my hair. Hmph.) ANYWAY. These TOMS strappy wedge sandals. I don't know that the print is really me, but they're... kind of cute? Maybe? Yes? No?

Am I crazy? You can tell me. I might pout, but I can take it.


  1. Honesty: They're cute, but not the very most magical thing I've ever seen. They'd look nice with solid color sundresses. Worth it if you have $ you feel like blowing (sometimes one just feels like buying something), and the price certainly isn't horrible.

    1. If it helps, I'd probably buy them on eBay for nearly half of retail.

  2. I'm a sucker for wedges. I think they're cute. I probably like some of your other shoes better (for instance, the ones you posted in your most recent outfit post.) But I still like them. However, I just read that the #1 shoes that guys dislike the most on women are wedges. They topped Crocs and Uggs. WTF?! That's ridiculous. Anyhow, my BF is not fond of wedges either but I don't care. I love them. Screw the boys!

  3. I saw those shoes in person, in a different print, several times last weekend and they're super cute in person and everyone said they were really comfortable

  4. What's wrong with your hair? I think you look cute. The shoes are okay, but I think you might try them on with an outfit and then switch them out for you beautiful Chies.

  5. Super cute. You're super cute too, so it works.

  6. Definitely cute for summer, but all those Chies of yours are swoon-worthy.

    As long as on ebay or sale, why not? They might only be for one season, or they make take you further, but they're fun.

    Sorry about hair!

  7. It was more the print I was questioning more than the style. I love wedges! I just wasn't sure if the print was versatile enough.

  8. This Southern California girl thinks they're fabulous - they'd look great with jeans or a sundress. And how can you not buy them considering TOMS policy of buying a shoe for a child in need?

  9. I think the print's a bit too beachy for work, but if you still have a summer vacation coming up and can get 'em cheap, I'd say go for it.

  10. They're cute- the print and the wedge- all cute. I can see you wearing them.

  11. I love them and am crazy about the print.

  12. I hope you bought them. Supes cute, and you know they will be comfy -- they're TOMS!


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