Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hugo Update!

I know some of you are following Marianne via Twitter and/or receive Hugo updates through the Facebook group, but for those of you who aren't, here's the latest from Marianne which she posted last night:

After some transportation hiccups we made it to Cincinnati today to meet Dr. Geller. He is one of the top doctors studying these tumors and is literally writing the book on treatment.

Our appointment started out rough. Dr. Geller is very kind but was also frank about Hugo's prognosis. He told us some doctors would not even try and treat this tumor at this stage (luckily we don't have these doctors!). We felt so defeated. Then, Dr. Geller asked us to stay for a CT scan, which we weren't expecting. And the results? Were amazing.

Hugo's tumors have shrunk significantly. The lung tumors that were so dense that they couldn't even count them 4 weeks ago are almost too small to see. The kidney tumor has shrunk by more than half. Dr. Geller said he would estimate an 80% reduction overall and that it was frankly remarkable for him to have responded so beautifully.

Little Hugo still has a long, hard road ahead. This is an aggressive and devious cancer and the chemo is powerful and difficult. But oh, we needed this hope and good news today.

We are headed home and will start round two of chemo tomorrow and will be in the hospital through at least Sunday. We feel every bit of love and prayers and I think they are working! #GOHUGO


  1. This is fantastic news, I'm so glad. I almost never comment here, but I wanted M to know that I'm holding good thoughts for young Hugo, as I'm sure lots of lurkers are. Good job, kiddo!

  2. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts . . .

    Look at that face - that's the face of a fighter, I can tell!


  3. #gohugo! Best wishes and positive thoughts from Ireland


  4. so glad to hear. thinking about M and Hugo and family often!

  5. Another lurker from Ireland here, and am so happy to read Hugo is responding so well. #gohugo!#

  6. I'm glad they got good news! It tears me up thinking about the rough row they've got.

  7. Awesome news! #GO HUGO indeed! Believing the best!

  8. What great news! That cutie pie is tough as nails! #GOHUGO!

  9. Glad to hear the good news! I'm continuing to think good thoughts for Marianne and her family, and especially little Hugo. He looks like quite the fighter, and he's gorgeous to boot!

  10. My thoughts are with you. So glad you are receiving good news.

  11. Go, go, go, GO HUGO! Sending love from all the kitties!

  12. Positive, strong, and hopeful thoughts are being sent your way! #GOHUGO

  13. Great news, thoughts and prayers with you.

  14. You take any win you can in the fight against cancer. May he eat and smile his way through :)
    Go Hugo.

  15. This is the BEST news! GO HUGO! :)

  16. Go Hugo!! Sending good vibes!

  17. Great news! Thanks for the update. Hugo is a Rock Star!!!

  18. What a face! And what beautiful news- we'll take it! Go Hugo!

  19. So happy to read this news! Your family continues to be in my thoughts.

  20. Sending prayers and thoughts of love + strength.

  21. Sending many prayers and healing vibes Hugo's way.


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