Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Knoxville Trip - Caftans, Cocktails and Shopping.

I'm on my way back as you're reading this and very likely sad about it. I've had a great time hanging out with Marianne and her family and was delighted to be able to celebrate a milestone birthday with her. The theme of her birthday celebration was Cocktails & Caftans and the ladies who attended VERY MUCH embraced this theme:

We all kind of decided that maybe we should just be wearing caftans every day from now on. So floaty and unencumbered! So glamorous! Here I am modeling my caftan, which is available on Amazon:

Marianne, who understands how to bring it to the camera (clearly, I do not) is wearing a beautiful actual real caftan from Emerson Fry:

I'm pretty sure hers, while organic and hand-printed, doesn't have glued-on rhinestones though, so just keep that in mind.

We did a little shopping, which you may have noticed if you follow the blog on IG. First we went to a very weird store called Bargain Hunt which seems to sell mostly Target overstock. Price tags are dated and every week the price drops, which is how we both scored this awesome little Target rattan bar cart for $36 each!

Unfortunately it’s long gone from Target, but I think this Threshold cart is really sleek and it’s on sale, plus an extra 10% off with code SPRING. Ooh, and this one at Macy's is a good deal too!

We then went to TJ Maxx where I took pictures of aggressively whimsical Kate Spade bags and tried on a bunch of stuff. I ended up buying a Junk Food tee that made me laugh ($7) and the CUTEST Chelsea and Theodore dress that convinced me I don’t need this dress at Everlane which I’d been considering. Seriously, $20 for the most flattering, simple t-shirt dress you’ve ever seen:

It also comes in the color of beige sadness but, really, just get the black one. (And while you’re at it maybe get this bag too because it’s hurting my soul and would look SO GOOD with that black dress. You’re welcome.)

Marianne tried on all the Vince but ended up buying none of it. She did, however, buy the best pair of blue suede (!) espadrilles that I can’t find for sale online anywhere:

The brand is Picón and you’ll just have to go dig around at your local TJ Maxx. (Let me know!) They are ridiculously cute and I think she paid $30ish for them! If you’re dying for something similar, this Botkier pair is the closest I could find. I also like this blue suede slip-on option at ASOS.

That's it for the shopping, I think. (Marianne, did I miss anything obvious?) Mostly we just talked and ate and ate and talked and there were many cocktails and tiny cans of rosé and a few episodes of TGBBS just for old times sake. I miss her already. 😭


  1. I'd love a story on how you two met and became friends!

  2. What a fantastic party theme! I have to find a way to do one of these.


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