Thursday, May 25, 2017

Stuff I Like: Bar Cart + Reading/Watching/Listening

Bar Cart! I finally set up my new bar cart last night (info here) and I'm ridiculously pleased with it, despite the dank corner in which it's currently housed. The location will change most likely but I feel like it needs...more...stuff.

I don't much wear the clothes at Anthropologie anymore but I love checking out the house stuff, particularly the barware.  I'm very into this little turquoise bar tools set that's on sale right now. And, do I need a bar spoon that looks like a twig? Probably not but isn't is cute? And mostly I'd like a set of really pretty glassware, something vintage-inspired like this or just beautifully sleek like these stemless glasses. And look, I'm not proud about how much I love this hobnail glass cocktail shaker. I don't even usually make cocktails that need shaking! But I might. I mean, every time I go to the liquor store I'm tempted by St-Germain simply because it's such a pretty bottle. I don't even know what you're supposed to do with it but that never stopped me before.

And I really want an ice bucket but Anthro insists I should pay a million dollars for this one which is made of fancy glass and whoooo boy, that is not going to happen. I'll probably buy this one from Target (and if we're being honest, anything new for the bar cart will probably also come from Target.) A girl can dream.

I am currently reading At The Water's Edge by Sara Gruen which I'd downloaded on my Kindle and totally forgot about. So far I'm intrigued, despite not liking a couple of the main characters, and I love her writing style. I remember really liking Water For Elephants though it's been ages since I actually read it.

I am SO overwhelmed with show options right now! This is confirming that I can cut cable and still have tons of good options. Last night I watched an episode of Catastrophe, Season 3 (eh), the latest episode of The Handmaid's Tale (stunning/terrifying) and then had to cleanse my palate with this thing of joy and beauty. Bruno Mars is a delightful little alien being, right? Not an actual human? There's no other explanation. I have it on good authority that this episode is also delightful but I haven't yet watched it.

On my drive to Knoxville I listened to Tina Fey's Bossypants which was really entertaining and kept me alert, focused and laughing stupidly alone in my car. I read it when it came out and liked it but it's SO much better as an audiobook. I tried The Nightingale on the way back but it didn't really work for me in audio form so I will probably try to read it. Instead, I listened to Neil Gaiman's Trigger Warning, a collection of "short fictions and disturbances," which is pretty good so far though a little uneven. I find some of the stories more interesting than others and I have a hard time understanding him because he has a deep, low voice. (A very nice voice, but harder to understand over driving noises.) I'm only about a third of the way through and there's a story about David Bowie(!) that I haven't heard yet, so I'll definitely finish this one.

That's it for this week. Thanks to all of you who gave me snack suggestions last week! I'm now only eating celery and air to make up for it.


  1. Go to the West End Antiques Mall (or Cold Harbor) and get all these goodies for your bar cart! There's a lot of good vintage kitchen vendors. I bought a new Boston shaker but all my other stuff is vintage and cute and still works! A vintage tea towel might look nice hanging off the right side.

    1. Oh, of course! That's a great idea. I used to do a lot of thrift/antique store shopping but got out of the habit.

  2. Pinterest has a ton of good bar cart styling ideas. I have a whole bar cart board (one of my obsessions). Some of the color coordinated ones are really cute but a bit hard to pull off for every day type of use.

  3. why don't you like anthropologie clothing?

    1. The last few seasons just haven't been my style - too many ruffles!

  4. St-Germain, champagne (or prosecco), and club soda. Perfect light cocktail for hot summer days.


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