Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Beagle Femurs.

The following Twitter exchange between us and @ShoeDaydreams (AKA Poochie) and @Milkglassheart (AKA Lara) was too funny not to share:

ShoeDaydreams: 2 ft tall http://howtotalktogirlsatparties.tumblr.com/post/4450640105

M: I cannot tell you how hard I just laughed. I think he has beagle femurs.


SDD: Yeah, for reals.

M: We might have to use you tweeting us this for a post. Because OMG.

SDD: Please do. Given his recent commentary (aka "curvy" blogger), I feel this is ripe for captioning.

A: OH, it is ON. the whole "sturdy legs" comment made me burst into flames.

MGH:  "beagle femurs" just killed me dead.

M: Pot calling the kettle sturdy, that.

A: Save it for the blog sister! You killed me with "beagle femurs."

SDD:  Heeee!!!

M:  I am conducting scientific comparisons with Buster's legs.

M: Remind me and I'll take a picture of Buster's leg. You know, for Science.


  1. Apparently "curvy and sturdy" equals "legs the size of my arms." You are forgetting that only the human equivalent of veal is acceptable in the fashion world.

  2. Also? he wears his pants too short.

  3. He reminds me of Cotton Hill on King of the Hill. Cotton has no shins - said they were shot off in the war. LOL!

    Dude! Don't you know short folks can't pull off a long jacket like that?? You look like a member of the Lollypop Guild.

  4. OH MY GOD, COTTON HILL. You are my favorite forever for this.

  5. http://s4.sidereel.com/episodes/130269/featured/131903.jpg



  6. Of course his pants are too short. Every single man featured on that website wears pants that are too short, or rolled up too high. I think it's pretty funny, but that's probably because I'm not cool enough.

  7. COTTON HILL!!!!! hell yes!

    what a repulsive little man

  8. he sure is a stumpy little chap with no neck.

    why Garance, why?

  9. The Cotton Hill comparison has me laughing hysterically. Thank you! He's such a tool.

  10. p.s.-that coat is the worst possible length for him. Maybe he's trying to accentuate his Cotton-ness?


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